A little peak at the lfs I go to

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They are getting bigger if anyone can tell from past posts, 125 or bigger upgrade will be in January when I get my tax money yeaaahhhh boooyyyy! Lol

Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Looking good. Man when you get that 125 you should move the labs out and do a lake tang bio tope, that would be sweet.
Yeah I'll eventually have to remove the labs but for now it's nice to see them get along, I'll look into a lake tang bio tope, thanks

Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I was going to call that outrageous then I remembered I own discus. :)

Edit: pic no worky for meh.



I cant wait until i start making real money and can pull of some big tanks that have those awesome fish! Discus, Arowana, Stingrays... So many big fish that cost as a fortune! But oh well, projects for the future :)

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
Kg tropicals this is a channel to subscribe to he had a disaster in his tank and his buddies backed him up, great story :)

Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Looks nice!

Though, wouldn't those Loaches like some sand to play in?

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
They hide in the logs for the most part, thought about sand or crushed coral, but it's so easy to clean the way I have it.

Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Looks nice!

Though, wouldn't those Loaches like some sand to play in?

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.

Thanks btw

Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
They hide in the logs for the most part, thought about sand or crushed coral, but it's so easy to clean the way I have it.

Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Oh. Yeah, they do love to sift through the sand though. And IMO sand is much easier to clean as the debris doesn't get stuck under it.

But, as i said, still a pretty nice tank!

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
Nice to meet your real name Steven lol

Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Me? Im Logan.

But, usually anyone except my parents calls me logi.... Kid nickname that i love to be called by anyone excluding relatives that gives big hugs and exclaim "Looogi Beaaar i miiiissssedd yooou!!!"

So yeah, Logan or Logi. Either or.

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
Although im sorry to disappoint but the chances of me remembering your real names... Ehhhhh.

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
I'll just remember wolverine and lazers that will remind me lol

Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

I was pretty excited when i found out that Wolverine had the same name.

And MLK Jr shares my birthday!

The 2 most important figures of our worlds history lol. And im the third! Muahhahaha!


Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
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