Adding a second filter

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2011
Scouser on tour, Scarborough UK
Hey all yet another question from me lol.

What I'm wondering is; is it worth adding another small filter to my tank to improve the filtration.

I say this because there is a sale on @ Pets At Home and the "Stingray Underwater Filter" is fairly cheap now.

Would you say this is a good idea or not?

And do any of you guys have this filter and could give a review?

Mucho appreciated.
No such thing as to much filtering lol u could essential line ur entire tank with hobs.. lil unnecessary but ud have some very clear water haha
Mrc8858 said:
No such thing as to much filtering lol u could essential line ur entire tank with hobs.. lil unnecessary but ud have some very clear water haha

I'm thinking the smallest one (for a 5 gallon tank I think) just to aid the water.

So maybe I'll have a gander...
Hi a second filter is a great idea. I do this on all my tanks. I have heard they are very good filters,but not had one myself so cannot comment on how good they are.
stingrays4 said:
Hi a second filter is a great idea. I do this on all my tanks. I have heard they are very good filters,but not had one myself so cannot comment on how good they are.

Well either way I'll have to convince the Gf that it's for a reason and not just an additional extra hahaha
Scouser said:
Well either way I'll have to convince the Gf that it's for a reason and not just an additional extra hahaha

I kno how u feel lol : /
A Second Filter

Hello Scouser...

One source of good filtration is necessary for your tank, but more than that is actually a waste of money. All you need to do is follow an aggressive water change routine. By aggressive, I mean you need to be changing half the water in your tank every week.

The filtration in your tank simply replaces toxic chemicals with less toxic ones. The dirty water has be removed. Think of your tank as a toilet. If you lived in it, you'd want the water to be flushed regularly. By keeping a constant flow of clean water going into your tank, there's no way toxins can build up and hurt your fish. Your plants are much healthier too, because the water changes constantly replace important minerals. Those twice monthly water changes of 20 to 30 percent aren't really much better than nothing.

I'd recommend more water changes and use the extra filter money for something else.

Just one "water keeper's" opinion.

Hi reasons i have two filters in my tanks. The main reason is if one packs up the other will maintain reasonable water conditions till i can sort it out.
If your on vacation and one packs up the other one will keep everything going till you get home.
If your ill and cannot do a water change the filters will keep the water ok till you can{only short term - meaning missing one maybe two water changes only}
When you clean one filter the other keeps all the useful bacteria intact,and has less impact on water conditions.
Two filters will keep the tank cleaner. :fish2:
Remember filters will keep the water nice and clean,but water changes are a vital part of fish keeping to keep the nutrient levels down.
i read that there is no such thing is over filtering, i have two penguin 350's on my 75, keeps the water very clear and i can alternate rinsing the cartridges without losing a lot of my BB.
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