Aquarium Advice Newbie
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- Dec 22, 2013
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I've had this tank up and running for almost 6 months now and just recently (a little over a month ago) added most of the fish I wanted to keep. Everything was going extremely well for a month or two and for some reason I have no clue why to be honest, I lost my two angels. I have a 135 gallon fowlr set up and currently have 3 green chromis, pair of clowns, 1 golden head sleeper, 1 Christmas wrasse, 1 midas blenny, 1 blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 sailfin tang, 1 firefish goby, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 sand sifting star, and a few crabs for clean up crew (need to get more snails since I got larger ones and they flipped over and died before I could flip them back right side up /sigh).
The 2 angels that I had were a juv emperor and a half black dwarf angel. I thought that maybe because I added them at the same time and they were of similar size the dwarf picked on the emperor, but I'm not entirely sure. The yellow was aggressive towards others for a couple hours and the next day it calmed down totally and no aggression any longer for at least 3 weeks before the death occurred on the emperor who was stuck to one of the filters =(. a week later now today I see the dwarf crammed in a rock and it looks dead. Yesterday he wouldn't come out from a cave which is not like him. I'm certain he's dead and have to go get him out now =(
My main question really is can I add a large angel to this setup or is it just too late because the yellow tang will go agro on him if I just add one or two fish. The local fish stores really tell you anything to make a sell and I'm coming here for some sound advice from experienced people. I have a 55 gallon reef setup which I've had for many years, but now trying to setup this fowlr. I really set it up to have a large angel as my dream, so I'm hoping I can do it. Thanks in advance =)
The 2 angels that I had were a juv emperor and a half black dwarf angel. I thought that maybe because I added them at the same time and they were of similar size the dwarf picked on the emperor, but I'm not entirely sure. The yellow was aggressive towards others for a couple hours and the next day it calmed down totally and no aggression any longer for at least 3 weeks before the death occurred on the emperor who was stuck to one of the filters =(. a week later now today I see the dwarf crammed in a rock and it looks dead. Yesterday he wouldn't come out from a cave which is not like him. I'm certain he's dead and have to go get him out now =(
My main question really is can I add a large angel to this setup or is it just too late because the yellow tang will go agro on him if I just add one or two fish. The local fish stores really tell you anything to make a sell and I'm coming here for some sound advice from experienced people. I have a 55 gallon reef setup which I've had for many years, but now trying to setup this fowlr. I really set it up to have a large angel as my dream, so I'm hoping I can do it. Thanks in advance =)