Advice for first time betta owner please!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 23, 2017
I have a six gallon cylindrical tank that I will be cycling and have started my research on betta fish. (No betta bought yet.)

I am trying to decide on two female bettas, or one male with a few amber tetras.

I had planned on a male half moon tail and had even picked a store, who's bettas don't seem to be as aggressive as other places. Temperament is a big thing because I wanted to put in a few ember tetras with him. I know bettas don't have to have company to be happy, but I personally like the movement of multiple fish in a tank. Ember tetras have been recommended several places as good roommates for bettas and because it is a six gallon, I like that they are a small fish (2cm-1inch from what I have read)

However! I recently read about "sorority" female betta tanks and saw some beautiful blue half moon females in the store the other day. Not am I only torn between the two options, but I want to get opinions from more experienced fish people before I make the decision. My main questions being...

1. Being a cylindrical tank, the actual bottom is only 11 inches in diameter (tank is 19 inches tall). I have a mangrove root and fake plants that make both a great shelter as well as hiding spots and swim thrus. But will two female bettas fight for territory of that area, or will one be happy to have the top of the tank and one the bottom half?

2. Similar to #1, because of the 11-inch diameter, will two female bettas fight during feeding time?

3. If I go the male betta route with ember tetras... how many tetras do you recommend? I want enough that they will feel safe in a small school, but I don't want to overcrowd the tank.

4. If I have the tetras and betta. How does feeding work since they will have different diets? Will the betta want to eat all the food and leave the tetras hungry?

Thanks so much for any input!
I have had one successful female betta tank with 7 females in it. One died from old age, one to ick. Left me with 5 and that last 3 months before they stayed killing each other. Don't do it. You have to get them from the same litter and even then the success rate is extremely low. You would need a high amount for a better chance.
If you ever start a sorority get only even numbers. They will establish a hierarchy. There must be a queen bee. I think a male betta would appreciate all the space to himself without the tetras. They're active fish and may stress the betta out.
If you ever start a sorority get only even numbers. They will establish a hierarchy. There must be a queen bee. I think a male betta would appreciate all the space to himself without the tetras. They're active fish and may stress the betta out.
Odd numbers not even.
Never just two females, always five or more. Bettas are hard to work with because they can have such varied personalities
Thank you stevenht and toad! I had not thought of them in that way, I thought it was more of a space/territory issue, not social. Glad I asked the forum :)
No problem. Yeah or you would have probably had a dead betta on your hands. I treat the females the same as the males.

Maybe you could get them to breed one day. The male bettas are great dads and it's quite impressive to watch.
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