Advice on a cichlid tank and community tank?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 29, 2012
Northern Virginia
Okay so I got two empty 25-29 gallon tanks sitting there if I go to college near my house I will set them both up my questions are
Which and how many of these cichlids can I keep in a 25 to 29 gallon tank ( they are the smallest cichlids I could find at lps)
Firemouth cichlid
Peacock cichlid
Electric yellow cichlid
Convict cichlid
Okay second question is in the other tank I plan on making it a community tank could I keep a rainbow shark in here? If so what companions could I have?
Fishandmusic81 said:
Okay so I got two empty 25-29 gallon tanks sitting there if I go to college near my house I will set them both up my questions are
Which and how many of these cichlids can I keep in a 25 to 29 gallon tank ( they are the smallest cichlids I could find at lps)
Firemouth cichlid
Peacock cichlid
Electric yellow cichlid
Convict cichlid
Okay second question is in the other tank I plan on making it a community tank could I keep a rainbow shark in here? If so what companions could I have?

I think the convicts would be ok but are territorial when breeding. Electric yellow IMO need 45Gish and are African cichlids so need room for aggression . Convicts would do good and I think the other not too sure on firemouth.
Fishie said:
I think the convicts would be ok but are territorial when breeding. Electric yellow IMO need 45Gish and are African cichlids so need room for aggression . Convicts would do good and I think the other not too sure on firemouth.

Okay how many convicts or peacocks could I keep? And if so any tank mates? I got no problem making it a cichlid only tank just wondering
If your goin for a mated pair of cons then only do the 1pair. They're a typical cichlid with an additude when they spawn.
Cichlid Kid said:
If your goin for a mated pair of cons then only do the 1pair. They're a typical cichlid with an additude when they spawn.

Okay say I don't want them to spawn I don't know what to do with the babies if they did have any and just want all male or all females how much could I get in the tank?
Also is there a clear distinction between the male and female cons?
Fishandmusic81 said:
Okay so I got two empty 25-29 gallon tanks sitting there if I go to college near my house I will set them both up my questions are
Which and how many of these cichlids can I keep in a 25 to 29 gallon tank ( they are the smallest cichlids I could find at lps)
Firemouth cichlid
Peacock cichlid
Electric yellow cichlid
Convict cichlid
Okay second question is in the other tank I plan on making it a community tank could I keep a rainbow shark in here? If so what companions could I have?

Peacocks and yellows are african the other two are sa I would not mix them
Fishandmusic81 said:
Okay so I got two empty 25-29 gallon tanks sitting there if I go to college near my house I will set them both up my questions are
Which and how many of these cichlids can I keep in a 25 to 29 gallon tank ( they are the smallest cichlids I could find at lps)
Firemouth cichlid
Peacock cichlid
Electric yellow cichlid
Convict cichlid
Okay second question is in the other tank I plan on making it a community tank could I keep a rainbow shark in here? If so what companions could I have?
Maybe a pair if firemouths, I would think they are comparable in allot of ways to convicts.
imo i wouldnt put them in that small of a tank they both get 7'' when you figure that tank is not that long and probably like 10-12'' from front to back then you have decorations and all its just not big enough. an pair of firemouths need a 55 gallon tank and just one convict need a 40+ tank.
Andrew McFadden said:
imo i wouldnt put them in that small of a tank they both get 7'' when you figure that tank is not that long and probably like 10-12'' from front to back then you have decorations and all its just not big enough. an pair of firemouths need a 55 gallon tank and just one convict need a 40+ tank.

Oh okay thanks guess I'll get stick with a community tank for now
Anybody got anything interesting I could put in there? other than tetra and danio harlequin etc
How about annual killis? I've heard they can be rather challenging and short lived but they are SO colorful!

Some of my favorite community fish
Cory cat
Syndontis cat
Black phantom tetras
Maxkolbe said:
How about annual killis? I've heard they can be rather challenging and short lived but they are SO colorful!

Some of my favorite community fish
Cory cat
Syndontis cat
Black phantom tetras

I'm gonna put fish like that in one of my tanks I love bettas I got a dragon scale in a 10 gallon
But since I have two 25-29 gallon tanks I was looking for a larger fish to put it
Imo you could keep two blue rams and maybe some of these danios, corys and or tetras. I'm not very good when it comes to tropical so if you want to keep rams I would starta New thread asking witch ones would be better for that tank. I have read or heard somewhere that rams are for advanced keepers cause they need like perfect water quality so I would put a ton of live plants and try to stay under stocked.
Andrew McFadden said:
Imo you could keep two blue rams and maybe some of these danios, corys and or tetras. I'm not very good when it comes to tropical so if you want to keep rams I would starta New thread asking witch ones would be better for that tank. I have read or heard somewhere that rams are for advanced keepers cause they need like perfect water quality so I would put a ton of live plants and try to stay under stocked.

One of the tanks will be tropical its my favorite but theirs so many choices I just wanted to see if I could try cichlids in one but I guess I'll pick something else maybe another reptile of some sort lol
Andrew McFadden said:
Oh and I wasn't saying your not ready or not an advanced keeper I really don't know just telling you the WARNING

Lol yeah didn't take it wrong I understand rams are hard to keep and I'll still have to do a lot more research before considering getting them
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