Aggressive Molly

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Fish Head J

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
I'm looking for some advice about an overly agressive Gold Molly. This fish is so picks on almost all of the other fish in the tank, except maybe the Gouramis who are just a little bigger than he/she. Especially around feeding time. He/she (sorry I don't know what sex the fish is) will ram and chase fish around the tank, nipping at their fins. He basically terrorizes the other fish. He is especially cruel to fish that are sick. I have a Balloon Molly that is new to the tank and appears to be sick. This Gold Molly has been at her since we put her in the tank. Should I just return it to the pet store or what? It is one of the first fish we bought over a month ago. It goes absolutely crazy when we feed the fish!
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like this molly could be a male. Look at the anal fin (the one closest to the tail underneathe). If it fans down it is female. If it is straight like a stick, then it is male. If the balloon molly is female, well there's the reason for the other's heightened aggressive behavior and why he'd be at her the moment of introduction. Male livebearer fish can be very aggressive. They only have one thing in mind....

Not much different from people I know LOL.
yep, he is a male. But his aggresive behaviour isn't limited to this new Balloon Molly. Except for the Gouramis, he chases every other fish in the tank. At feeding times he is out of control eating everything he can possibly eat and nipping and battering any other fish that tries to share in the really is extraordinary. I find myself wanting to thump him when I see it happening. I'm thinking he is not a very good community fish. I think I will call he fish store to see if I can return him.
Thanks for helping me identify him as male.
He's probably trying to keep other fish away from the balloon molly and staking his territory for this female.

Mollies can make good community fish...even the males, but they should be housed with other semi aggressive those gouramis because they ain't gonna take his bullying crap!! LOL.
I agree I have mollies and you do need to have more females than males. I have a male exactly like you described and he is housed with gourami's. He ha 7 females to harrass now after some rearranging. You will either have to return him and get another female, or depending on your stock level get a couple of more females.
In the meantime you can do what I just started (I have 2 cory catfish that are being harassed by 1 tiger barb). Get a breeder cage and put the aggressive mollie in it for a couple of days. This will at least give some time for the balloon mollie to rest (as well as the other fish). Alternatively, you could put the balloon mollie inside, until it gets better, but I'd rather eliminate the problem (aggressive mollie) than let it have free reign to beat on the other fish.

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