All time favourite movie

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 19, 2013
western australia
Just wanna know other people favourite movies mine is crocodile Dundee because I love how he portrays us Australians
Ghostbusters ! There s some great lines in that movie that I say all the time. I m talking the first movie here, the sequels were horrible :(.
All great movies red dawn and tomorrow when the war began are very similar movies you should check out the other one convict
White Heat.
Cagney is always great, and I must have watched this one five or six times with my dad. Great ending, "top of the world!"
So many great movies!

I think I'm going to have to say Rocky Horror Picture Show - if you haven't been to a midnight showing, you haven't lived!
So many great movies!

I think I'm going to have to say Rocky Horror Picture Show - if you haven't been to a midnight showing, you haven't lived!

I 1978....One word, WOW! That was the freakiest thing I ever saw...especially with the Peoria Players actor troupe doing the "stage show" and they forgot to tell me... to watch for toast!
I've been to two real midnight shows, first time when I was 16. Unfortunately the troupe that did a regular showing around here disbanded after hurricane Katrina. And yeah, gotta watch out for that toast! (Although most theaters ban the toast now, leads to ant problems, lol). The jacket I wore to my first midnight show had confetti stuck in the pockets for more than a year after.
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