Alternatives to Betta Hex's

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 13, 2003
Please forward this by E-Mail to anyone with a Betta in a Hex. Any further alternatives/suggestions in this regard are welcome.

1. Use 1 gal jars that i get from subway... or any other
resturaunt... who will be GLAD to give them to you if you come regularly to pick them up.... they dont mind cause they're cheep too.... they have to PAY by the weight to have their garbage picked up... so less garbage... less they have to pay.... and space wise?

2. Instead of using plants in growout tanks to keep them from fighting too early... cut up garbage bags into strips and anchor them with rubber bands to rocks.. hows that?

3. For shelves... buy a pair of brackets at the dollar store for a buck.... and the board at the hardwarestore for like 3.00 look for old canning shelf etc., at yard sales

4. One way to get a hold of some decent sized containers is to hit toy stores, or tourist shops (anything that would carry large amounts of small merchandise in those 1gal clear plastic tubs) Many will give them to you for free, some will
recycle them themselves, and some will have some for
you to pick up in the future. One person ended
up with three, one was heart-shaped, one was hexagonal
from the side, and one was just plain round, but all
were free.

5. If you can find one of those squeege on back betta
berraks thingys at a petstore, I have one of those,
and I love it. But (and big But) only use it for one
betta, it's made to accomidate four. It is also
recommended putting the smallest of your fishies in it,
it's a good idea to switch him out with another every few weeks. But that gives them fresh water 24/7 and a new view, and a chance to flair at some other fishies.

6. A 10 gallon tank and two dividers would only be
$20-25...this isn't a great expense. 3 bettas can be housed comfortably in a 10 gallon. Space shouldn't be
an issue with a 10 gallon...there are people living in
university dormatories with roommates and they have 10
gallons (some have gone so far as to convert their
closets into "mini fish rooms").

7. One thing to think about...gallon size "pickle jars."
You could buy the gallon jars of pickles, etc (there
is other stuff in gallon containers, just can't think
of any offhand) and use their jars once they're empty.
Or, call nearby restaurants and see if they have any
you could have. Many have switched to plastic jars, so
it may take some time to find anyone using clear
containers for their condiments.
Clean them well, rinse them well, let them sit filled
with water for a couple days, then rinse again and

8. You may want to keep your eyes open on trash day. Many
people throw away fish tanks that are perfectly fine.
I've gotten quite a few fish tanks (and stands) off
curbs that people were throwing away. You don't have
to be rich, just "thrifty." LOL

9. There's also the option of the 2 liter. Peel the label
off, cut the top off, rinse it well. It will hold more
water than a double betta hex, and it's free with a 2
liter drink purchase!
I used to use a 1 gallon pickle jar for my Betta with afake plant in it. He did fine for a year in there. You are right that there are so many cheap alternatives when dealing with bettas that sticking them in tiny little cups seems silly. You don't need filtration for them (though I use it now) as you can just swap some water every few days.
Also, instead of buying big expensive glass tanks I use rubbermade containers. Way cheaper, but harder to see through. I use the 20gals for growouts and the 5gals for spawing. I also use 2L pop bottles and pickle jars, work great. I also use beanie baby containers for my barracks.
You can find some real bargans if you look! And ya be 'Thrifty' lol

Those are excellent tips as well. Thanks. Anymore from others are welcome. Hopefully, all this will lead to a very comprehensive list of alternatives that will help some bettas have a better habitat/life. Thanks for thinking of this noble cause. :)
I recently went through this same situation. I needed to move a betta from a community tank to something smaller. The price of a hex tank was 24.95. The 10 gallon kit containing filter and everything needed was only $5.00. I had to go with the 10. It only seemed right for the fishy.

My lesson: It's not that more expensive to go with a little larger tank.
$5 for a 10G kit ? Are you sure the pricing is correct ? Even an empty 10G is usually priced around $10 !!
Sorry rvijay07,

Amazing how things change when I forget to type a word. What I meant to say was the 10 gallon kit was only $5.00 MORE than the 2 gallon hex kit. sorry for the confusion.
Still that is quite cheap. Here in Canada, 2G is $30 and the 10G kit is $60.

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