ammonium vs nitrates for plants

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 27, 2011
I have read several articles about aquarium plants seeming to like ammonium, I always thought it was nitrates that made them thrive. I just got several Anubias plants and one Bleheri plant at a local store..If my BIOLOGIAL filter is converting the Ammonia into Nitrite and spitting out almost seems that planting these plants in a fresh water refugeum isnt my best option..In the 38 gallon tank the refugeum is fed from are 3 large size tinfoil barbs, no doubt there is plenty in the water, but the refugem hoses are surrounded by mesh bags to catch the uneaten food and solid waste large enough to be caught..that should add a slight ammonia but I think the next stage of several boxes Fluval Pre filter rings and Bio Max mixed would take out anthing before it goes under into the Floss and over flows to the plants..Im curious if I should add something besides the Nutrifin Plant Gro I bought to feed these plants..?
They use N. Whether its NH3, NH4, NO2, or NO3 doesn't matter, it's all N. If you have nitrates in your water, which I'm sure you do... that's the N they need. They also need K, P, and trace elements.
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