Another plant ID please.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 13, 2010
Got this little plant as a hitchhiker when i bought some plants at the LFS.. Not sure what it is.. ID please.

Brian_Nano12g said:
Got this little plant as a hitchhiker when i bought some plants at the LFS.. Not sure what it is.. ID please.

Looks to me like Marsilea Drimmondii. Four Leaf Clover.
Pteronarcys said:
It may be cadimine lyrata? If it is marisilea drimmondii it will make a lot of small low leaves, similar to glossostigma.

Only reason I say Marsilea Drimmondii over Cadimine Lyrata is the leaf structure itself. C. Lyrata has a more solid leaf as M. Drimmondii has definitive notches in the leaf. As per what the picture seems to have.
I agree it does have more notched leaves. I have had marisilea in the past and the clovers were distinct 4 leaves. (I just got rid of that plant because it took over my tank and I tried planting some in a planter outside.. surprisingly it survived and has been growing for over 2 months in my garden).
If it is marsilea it will quickly start giving off runners and filling up the foreground like glosso. In my tank it went all over the place and when it hit a corner of the tank or a rock it was there it made another clover. The runners give off only 1 leaf per node no clovers. If that plant doesn't do that, then it is something different.
If you can get a good close up of the leaves it might help ID it.
Pteronarcys said:
How about Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides? Looks similar

I think you nailed it! Thank you :)

Interesting info online about it.. Luckily my tank is on the very high light side.. Lol

Here's some more pics:


Sweet... I was looking in my encyclopedia of aquarium plants by Peter Hiscock (Yes that is is name... horrible isn't it!) and that's where I found the plant that looked like yours. Good book, lots of info.
Hmm.. Now that's an idea! It's funny too, when i got home with my bag of goodies from the LFS, i was separating my plants out to plant and discovered it in the roots of some crypts.. I was about to toss it and i said aww what the heck, I'll plant it.. It hitched a ride and it had its journey.. and somehow made it to my tank.. LOL.
That's awesome! Just read up on it. I know you just did a DIY CO2, but it looks like that little guy is a nutrient pig. Good thing your tank has a lot of light! I hope you can grow it out!
How about Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides? Looks similar

Close... It's hydrocotyle sp. Japan, also known as hydrocotyle tripartita. Not very common on this forum but very common on planted tank. I wouldn't say it's rare, just not common on this forum. I actually have some growing in my 20L. It's one of my favorite plants. Sibthorpioides has a more round leaf. Japan has leaves that have more separated sections so it looks like it is in 3rds (which is why it's also called tripartita).
Here is a picture of my tripartita. You can see how its leaves look like they are separated in 3rds:


Here is a picture I found of sibthorpioides. Notice how the leaves are more round:

+1 on the h. sp. Japan'.
looks like what I have as a foreground. Once established in your tank, extremely weedy.
Well either way, looks like pretty cool stuff if it fills out.. Looked up the sp. Japan one, looks nice.. Im planning a rimless GLA soon and this would be a nice edition with some HC.

I mean just look at the video:
Brian_Nano12g said:
Do you have a pic? I'd like to see how it grows out... and, is "weedy" a bad thing?

Weedy just means it can grow more than you can anticipate or want. If you plan on it taking over, weedy is a great thing. If not, weedy can be annoying. All depends on perspective. :)
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