Another Pleco ?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 28, 2004
hey guys, I have 1 L200, Lemon Spotted Green Pleco in my 29 gal. I like the way the zebra pleco L-46 looks, but its a bit pricey.. anything similar thats not as expensive? and of course doesnt get big .. also how hard is it for 2 plecos to get along? don't want to stress out the one thats already in there..

The Zebras are pretty unique, there is not much like them :) I was trying to buy one locally for a while, but eventually gave up. No LFS could get them, and I was willing to go up to $80 or so.

I have two Plecos that get along just fine. Sometimes they even share the same cave, they are very docile.
yeah , has them for about $160 not including shipping.. yikes. but they are pretty sweet looking. .. eh, maybe for christmas :D

thats cool that your plecos get along. thanks for the info.
One more thing on the Zebras... There has been some speculation that the natural habitat where they live would soon be destroyed by the building of a damn upriver from their location. That certainly would not help the pricing on these. Captive breeding efforts and better care routines will hopefully allow the Zebra to proliferate in this hobby.
Man that is harsh. I got mine from my lfs for $20.

*JEALOUS* :mrgreen:

The only good deal I ever got on a fish was when a LFS messed up and gave me 5 Neons instead of 4 :p
man, $20 is sooo cheap!!!
in sydney, IF you can find a zebra, they will cost in excess of AU$1000. YES! one thousand dollars. YIKES!!!
My 2

I've got two plecos. A rubber lipped and a clown. They both get to about 5" from what I've heard. I'm no expert or collector, so a zebra pleco is beyond my limit. My plecos get along swimmingly. They even hole up in the same area. I thought they would be more territorial, but they just kinda hang out. My only complaint is that they are massive poopers.
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