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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 27, 2006
Hello again, i want to go to get some fish today and am wondering what store to go to.
I livein canda mississauga, i have a super pet and a walmart close to me, i can also go thet one fish store near dundas and cawthra beside a huge chinese thing, sorry cant remember the name.

I hope someone here is around these parts and can tell me which store has the best prices, service, warrany ect.
Thanks to anyone who can help
Usually the smaller pet stores have better quality fish than the larger ones. Look for stores that have fish as a very large percent of thier business. The place I go is about 50% fish, and the rest is divided between rodents, lizards, cats, dogs, etc. Freshwater fish are cheap enough, that by the time you've spent the gas to go to the store, you might as well go for the higher quality ones rather than the cheapest ones. Don't want to have to drive back again to collect on your guarrentee.

I see you're somewhat new here, but I havn't read all your posts. Is your aquarium fully cycled? Might want to make sure of that before adding fish.
There are a few fish that can make it through the cycle but they will still get very stressed and still have chances of not making it at all. I made the mistake of buying fish before I was cycled and now most of mine are dead. Even the Hardy fish that people at the LFS around here claim can make it through the cycle have died. Best bet is to do a fishless cycle using shrimp or pure ammonia. Trust me, once your fish start dying from ammonia and nitrites you will wish that you waited on buying the fish. I do.
Every fish needs a cycled tank. Cycling with a fish in the tank for a 10g tank like you have is going to be a lot of work. Fishless cycles really are the way to go if you can't find Biospira or some used filter media.
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