Betta showcase

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Do y'all think I could add a Betta to this setup?
6-Colombian tetras
6-Julii corys
1-cockatoo apisto(female)
1-German blue ram(female) or Bolivian ram(female)
Do y'all think I could add a Betta to this setup?
6-Colombian tetras
6-Julii corys
1-cockatoo apisto(female)
1-German blue ram(female) or Bolivian ram(female)
depends on the personality of everything(your tanks 29 gallons,right?)
Yup 29 gallons and the only thing the apisto messes with are the corys but then she only nudges them out of her territory. And I'll have a back up little breeder net for the Betta if it didn't work and then I'd get it his own 5 gallon
Yup 29 gallons and the only thing the apisto messes with are the corys but then she only nudges them out of her territory. And I'll have a back up little breeder net for the Betta if it didn't work and then I'd get it his own 5 gallon
i say try it,and if it doesnt work,get the 5.
My only experience is with Doyle. We put him in with 5 guppies, 6 glowlight tetras and 5 black kuhli loaches in an 18 gal tank. The guppies are fancy, but we thought we could make it work. W got a 1/2 gal vase, and slowly acclimated him to the tank, while floating it in the tank. Eventually it was sitting on top of a large rock with the rim above water. We left him like that for a couple hours. He never once flared even though 3 different male guppies flashed their tails at him.

I let him go into the tank and literally stood over it for an hour with the top off and a net in hand. All went well...for a day. Second day I noticed one of the male guppies was missing the top corner of his tail. Never saw Doyle do it, but I'm sure it was him.

I don't think he would have, except the guppies were taunting him all the time. They would swim around him doing their sideways tail flashing dance thing constantly. People say a betta might confuse guppies as competitors, but I think my guppies thought Doyle was competition. And I think he just got sick of it. I watched a female guppy bump him, and a couple of the black kuhli loaches and he never cared.

long story short...go for it, just be ready.
a lot of you have experience with bettas,how do you think a male would fare with zebra danios and a rainbow shark in a 55?
There might be some agression, cant know for sure
There might be some agression, cant know for sure
okay,i was mainly worried about the danios and betta,but ill get like 9 and they should keep to themselves,and ill move the betta if thisgs gey bad. im not worried about the shark hurting the betta(when he was about 3" he got beat up by a 1.5" swordtail)
i know what im gonna do! ill put my betta in my 5 gallon in the 29 and if it works for 2 weeks ill get a new betta for my 5
Johny said:
Hope I am not too late to join in this betta thread. We have a male named Doyle. We bought him to be the center piece of our community tank, but after a day of other fish taunting him he finally took a chunk from another fish's tail. He now has his own 2.5 gal tank.

I thought a quick video would show off his colors best. The notch in his tail was from a plastic plant, which is why his tank is bare right now.

He's like a rainbow betta!!! That's cool!
allaboutfish said:
Do y'all think I could add a Betta to this setup?
6-Colombian tetras
6-Julii corys
1-cockatoo apisto(female)
1-German blue ram(female) or Bolivian ram(female)

Umm... I wouldn't. That might not end well.
anything i can remove to make it work? i dont have the german blue ram or bolivian yet so i dont have to get it.
Yep, they can bite quite hard too for little guys...
Here's mine, his name is Jack..


Here is him doing one of his tricks in the training tank. He has been trained to swim through the tunnel as soon as it is put in the tank ( itcan be a pain if it's not in right and he is trying to do it already haha) he knows he will get a treat at the end, he's not that obedient!


That's awesome!! :fish2:
Do y'all think I could add a Betta to this setup?
6-Colombian tetras
6-Julii corys
1-cockatoo apisto(female)
1-German blue ram(female) or Bolivian ram(female)

I wouldn't mix them. Might be okay with the tetras and the cory's, but the others, in my opinion, would be too bright and their finnage too big. He'll most likely mistake them for other males bettas and attack them.
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