Wanted: Betta

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 25, 2013
I have been looking for a Betta with this type of coloring. If you have any or know anybody who could provide one, PLEASE contact me. I really want one this color. Thank you!

Check aqua bid and look for auctions that say mustard gas - thats what that coloration is called. Might cost you a pretty penny, though.
Wow, that is a B E A U tiful fish!

Contact the local trans shipper if it is out of country. Ask for information and costs before you bid /buy. Ask too, if the fish they receive from the seller seem to be healthy, if there are ever any problems, and what they might be.

Good luck, often they can supply a sibling fish for a little extra money, if you would be interested in breeding them.

Ask questions and understand their rules!
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