Black Molly fry alive but with yellow bubbles!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 17, 2014
My black Molly, who I purchased pregnant, is giving birth after 5 weeks in my tank. She was rather large when I bought her and she was HUGE this morning.

She is giving birth and swimming around/eating as normal all at the same time. A few fry swam to the gravel and look fine. One came out dead. And one is alive with a yellow (yolk?) on its belly and I don't think she's done.

It's not swimming but is moving and will scurry away if it sees another fish.

All I have is this one black Molly
A few guppy fry
4 platys
And 2 full grown guppies

There may be more fry but I can't see them. Plenty of caves, tons of plants, and a "dark side" of the tank to help with survival...

This Molly is the biggest one in the tank besides the pleco who minds his own business

My params are spot on

55 gallon tank.

It looks like 2 black Molly fry survived... One had a big yellow belly that has diminished over the course of 2 days.. It's hiding in a large plant/swimming around the plant, the other looks normal.

I guess if they live they finish developing outside of the mother...???

After I posted she had one that was dead and curled around the yolk, definitely underdeveloped... But after 5 weeks you'd think they'd be fine.

Do black Molly's have a longer gestation period?
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