Bonsai trees

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 18, 2013
Manchester UK
Does anyone own a bonsai tree? If so how do you train them? I have a few new shoots coming out from different places.

I water it every few days and keep it near the window but out if direct sunlight. I use JBL ferepol as a fertiliser and the tree seems to be taking well.
I have bonsai tree...a dead one...hahaha probably shouldn't ask me for advice lol.

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Is there a way to make some sort of bonsai in an aquarium? That would be cool.

They don't like to be over watered which kinda puts an end to that question lol.

My first one died. My second one I learned my lesson and it's thriving. Sometimes I use fish tank water to water or if that counts lol.

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They don't like to be over watered which kinda puts an end to that question lol.

My first one died. My second one I learned my lesson and it's thriving. Sometimes I use fish tank water to water or if that counts lol.

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I mean would there be any aquatic plants that could become bonsai?
Does anyone own a bonsai tree? If so how do you train them? I have a few new shoots coming out from different places.

I water it every few days and keep it near the window but out if direct sunlight. I use JBL ferepol as a fertiliser and the tree seems to be taking well.

Training a bonsai isn't a whole lot different than training any other tree or shrub. "Training" it requires trimming the branches at the appropriate place by removing the terminal bud in order to stimulate growth via a lateral bud with extends in the desired direction. Hence why individuals often contemplate so long before make that one critical cut. Can't glue the branch back on once you cut it off.

Is there a way to make some sort of bonsai in an aquarium? That would be cool.

How about something like this; 90g Cliffside Paludarium Build (Let's try this again) - Page 8 - Paludariums - Aquatic Plant Central

Older thread, but I think this guy did an awesome job.
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