Bottom covering plants and bottom dweller fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 7, 2003
Do fish such as loaches, coreys, and plecos have any adverse reactions when going from living in conditions with just regular substrate to having a carpet like plant covering on the bottom of the tank?
No. However, sometimes you'll find a loach or cory cat that gets stuck in the dense carpet, and could die. I've never actually had a fish die this way, but I had to free a yo-yo loach once from my carpet of dwarf sag. Keepign the runners trimmed will pretty much eliminate the potential for a 'death trap'.
malkore...thanks, thats incredibly useful info! me and my fishes thank you. ;)
(Nembie.) I have java moss acting as carpet on one half of my tank. I find it interesting that the kuhliis prefer to spend their time in the non-carpeted section, only going under the moss when startled. bmg213, please post your results to help others if you have time.
czcz...I will be sure to keep you all informed, but it will be a while before I get to the point where I have the new plants in there. Im still trying to figure out what lighting to buy and IF I should use CO2 or not. Once I figure out what I want to do...THEN Ill be able to update you. :)
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