Brian's ADA 60P (17g) Rimless - Journal

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Tanks look awesome Brian! It seems you are enjoying your new sat+'s as much as I am enjoying the one that I purchased amazing growth from this light. Just posted my new venture with my 90g in planted tanks you should have a look I welcome your thoughts. Its been a year now for me and I have learned allot and come a long way and enjoy your journals and builds keep em comming

Heck yeah .. I love these lights, understanding their limitations and compensating for it. What's the link to your thread?
Well I hope you enjoy the transformation and would love to hear your thoughts and yes I still have the crabs and crabitat

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Thanks, Joey. I was wondering what happened to you. Thought maybe you went fully SW on us. Anything new?

No, not full salt. I had though about it, but I don't want t cough up the cash. Lol. Not really much new on my end. I need to update my thread.
No prob, OS. I know the glosso has you all tied up ATM. But you can carve out a little area for the UG and by the time you're 'really' ready for it, you'll have a good amount to work with. Kind of how I started with a smaller amount during the 1st scape of this 60p, then I had so much more by the 2nd go-around.

Wanted to try out some new video equipment as I'm also trying to improve on my video skills along with my photo skills. Anyways, it's not perfect but here's a little video I put together of the tank.

Awesome vid bro!!!! That led reflecting on the wall is the best!!! I'm nominating your ram for best leading ram in a planted tank;) keep em coming, can't wait for my new led.. I'm getting there....
Awesome vid bro!!!! That led reflecting on the wall is the best!!! I'm nominating your ram for best leading ram in a planted tank;) keep em coming, can't wait for my new led.. I'm getting there....

Awesome tank man! That carpeting is just perfect!

Thanks guys... really appreciate the comments.

Speaking of which, my Ram has some sort of lesion on his side. Anyone know what it is and how to treat it? Looks like his scales are missing on that area. Sigh... :(

No. Doesn't look as bad as that. Just looks like the scales are missing on that small area. But who knows, either it will get better or turn into that. Here's the picture again. I attached it this time.


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Yah mine was donzo a day after that pic.. Could be the nitrates are getting to him?? They're tricky fish, I just lost my gbr yesterday..can you qt him, than again if he can't handle your display water?????
Hey Brook, sorry to hear you lost your Ram. I could QT mine but what would be the best treatment? Aquarium salt or something?
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