Brian's ADA 60P (17g) Rimless - Journal

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Thanks azmodan but I was only gonna buy it as a backup because of the cheap price!

BTW yall, petsmart has their fluval m series heaters on sale for a little over 50% off as well!!! Major sales due to inventory

Yup that's quite a deal! I'll be checking my PS this week too.
Gosh... speaking of which, I dropped by Petco yesterday and saw their clearance stuff. I almost impulse bought a ZooMed 501 for $12! My GF told me I didn't need it... resistance was futile so I complied. :)

I think it would have looked sweet on my 6g with some cheap HK lily pipes. Oh well..
Oh... I'm still up! I always burn the midnight oil. I've always been a night person. I hate waking up early so I sleep late and wake up late. LOL
What's up everyone. Well, it's officially 2 months since I rescaped and planted. Once the UG settled in, it just took off! I haven't trimmed the UG at all since I planted it. I did, however, trim this tank at least twice.

It hasn't been a perfect ride with this, however. I did have a CO2 leak a couple of weeks ago and although the BPS was set high, I wasn't getting much CO2 coming out the diffuser. I have the diffuser in the back middle so it's hard to see. To top it off, my drop checker has been acting weird in that once it hits yellow, it never goes back to green. Even after I turn off the CO2 for over a day. I'm not sure if it's the reagent or what. As a result, I didn't even realize my tank was getting less CO2 and I did have a little run-in with BBA and some green fuzzy algae in the Mini Fissidens. I fixed the CO2 leak by ditching a faulty cheap plastic check valve. I also spot treated the BBA and algaefixed the fuzzy stuff.

On another note, my Elatine Triandra has been turning yellow with pin-holes in it. I guess it's a deficiency but I'm too lazy to bust out the test kits. I know it's a N hog, so I probably need to dose more N. But I'm thinking of just yanking it out and replacing it with S. Repens or something. I think it would contrast well against the AR mini.

Okay... too much text and no pictures! Here we go....

2 Months of growth... Before and After!




















Just some notes and reflections here:

  • The Eheim Skim 350 works really well at keeping the surface clear. The only drawback is that it has a tiny sponge inside and it clogs up real fast. So I find myself having to rinse and squeeze out the sponge weekly. It's not a bid deal because I'd rather have a scum free surface... so I just chalk it up as just another thing added to the "labor of love" mindset.
  • The 2x Sat+ lights have impressed me with the way it grew this lush UG carpet for me. My only gripes are: one, I can't suspend the lights over the tank due to them not being the highest output out there. And two, the red plants could get deeper red if I had more intensity. On the "bright" side, I think the Ecoxotic version of the Sat+ on steroids should be out soon. Might upgrade to that, we'll see...
  • Still need to install the Ramp Timer Pro and test it out. It's just been a combination of school and laziness. But I'll get the ball rolling very soon.
  • The BESTA stand. Well, what can I say. It's a great stand for this tank! I don't have access or the DIY skills to build an ADA-Style tank, but this sure is a great compromise, IMO. I'm glad I bought the Besta Legs as well. I like how they're adjustable so that you can get the tank level. Also adding several inches to the overall height is great.

Thanks for following along... and comments or critiques are welcomed.
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I don't know which one I like more: your impressive tank or your mad photo skills. Both are excellent.
I'd go with the star repens. Leaf shape and size similar to the AR mini but the lime green color is a striking contrast.
You are running a paintball tank, correct? How long are you going between refills?
Beautiful tank!!! UG filled in great! Youve inspired me to get an EBR and try to carpet UG in my next tank!
I'm with Fresh on this also. Mad tank and mad photo skills! Absolutely beautiful on both counts! Thanks for sharing and keeping our inspiration up. OS.
Looks awesome!!! Little mr blue ram looks quite at home combing through the ug ...
Looks great!

Thank you!

I don't know which one I like more: your impressive tank or your mad photo skills. Both are excellent.
I'd go with the star repens. Leaf shape and size similar to the AR mini but the lime green color is a striking contrast.
You are running a paintball tank, correct? How long are you going between refills?

Thanks, Fresh! Glad you like the tank and photos. Still can learn... yeah thanks for the confirmation on the S. repens. I will do a swap soon. I think my paintball lasts about 2 months between refills. I run it for 7 hours a day at 2 to 3 BPS.

Beautiful tank!!! UG filled in great! Youve inspired me to get an EBR and try to carpet UG in my next tank!

Sounds good. They're both great, just a joy to have. You should give them a shot. :)
I'm with Fresh on this also. Mad tank and mad photo skills! Absolutely beautiful on both counts! Thanks for sharing and keeping our inspiration up. OS.

Haha... Thanks, OS.
Photography is fun!

Tank is looking great! Keep up the good work! Following.

Thanks for the kind words. Glad to have you on board.

Looks awesome!!! Little mr blue ram looks quite at home combing through the ug ...

Yeah, the EBR, named Gordon Ramsey (get it... "Ram" sey?) by my GF, does like to forage through the UG and mini fiss. He's definitely king of this tank. He let's the tetras know during feeding time. Haha... He's not shy in the slightest either. He was the fastest of all my previously owned rams to warm up to me. He's always swimming to the front glass ready to greet me. If I stick my finger in the water, he'll swim right up to it and nip at it... guess I look like food! Haha
Looks awesome, Brian! Love how that mini fissidens compliments the scale of your tank.
Haha better than mine.. Mr Rammy.. They are fun little bopsters.. When they're not dying for no apparent reason:/ mine likes getting all intimate with the micro chain sword, not sure what he sees in there..probably food or shrimp..
Tanks look awesome Brian! It seems you are enjoying your new sat+'s as much as I am enjoying the one that I purchased amazing growth from this light. Just posted my new venture with my 90g in planted tanks you should have a look I welcome your thoughts. Its been a year now for me and I have learned allot and come a long way and enjoy your journals and builds keep em comming
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