Brian's ADA 60P (17g) Rimless - Journal

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Good news, I didn't see the bloated tetra today. Did a head count to make sure it wasn't hiding. Sure enough, all accounted for and no abnormally obese neon. :)
Maybe another week before it's ready for some FTS pics. The UG is about 95% filled in. I trimmed all the stems down last week. So it should be ready as well for nice pics. Shaped the pogo erectus and HM into nice round bushes :)

Here's a sneak peek at the UG. The two Sat+ lights are working well at growing it lush.

That looks just as good as the bottom of my favorite pond in Nickerson state park!! Cleanest water on the planet! Besides Alaska of course;)
That looks just as good as the bottom of my favorite pond in Nickerson state park!! Cleanest water on the planet! Besides Alaska of course;)
I think my UG has reached 100% coverage in the foreground. Update pics to come this weekend! :)

On a side note, I'm getting PFR shrimp for my 6g in the mail tomorrow. I received a package of mini pellia today. And lastly, I stopped at the local petsmart on the way home today to pick up some fish and dog food. As usual, I couldn't resist the lure of walking through the aisles to look for "deals"... Sure enough, I found this little surprise! Oh and whata good price it was! Had to pick it up because I have future plans for it on another (older) tank.

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Thanks, OS! PFR = Painted Fire Red shrimp. They're the highest grade of red cherry that are super red.
OH cool! Post pic when you get them. What's a good shrimp that's hardy enough to tolerate 1 ml Glut per 2 gal for keeping my Glosso clean? OS.
Joey would probably be best to know. I think he dosed copious amounts of glut with shrimp. But I think Amanos and Neos are the most hardy. Neos come in a slew of different colors now. I really like Red Rilis because you can distinguish them from one another and start naming them like my GF did when we had them. They're not as nice looking as crystal reds but they're way more hardy.
I've had the C2 for a couple of years now and REALLY like it. The C-series, from everyone I know who got one, eventually likes it as well (more so than their previously owned AquaClear HOB). I say eventually because in some cases it starts off a bit noisy through the initial break-in period, then quiets down significantly. It does a superb job of polishing the water... and I love how easy it is to work with due to its modular design (similar to separate compartments of a canister filter). It also has a pretty neat wet/dry chamber that houses the BB media.
Killer deal on that c4! I'm going to petsmart after work haha! Only 3 left in stock?!? I'll take em!! Hey OS, Amano shrimp are cleaning machines! Mine ate a nasty bba infestation up in a couple weeks..
Thanks Brookster,
How many do you think I need for my new scape to keep the Glosso carpet cleaned up? It's getting so thick the Corys can't get into all the places. Go for the C4. That's a killer price. You can rinse and wring the first filter pad. I have on my C3 and it filters even better.
Thanks Brookster, How many do you think I need for my new scape to keep the Glosso carpet cleaned up? It's getting so thick the Corys can't get into all the places. Go for the C4. That's a killer price. You can rinse and wring the first filter pad. I have on my C3 and it filters even better.
I have 5 in a 20tall, in your 29 with all that foliage... A bakers dozen! If it's in sale for $32 I won't be able to resist!!
So I called my petsmart and the ones around here and no one has the c4 in stock. I was gonna buy one too for my 20g but now I cant!!!
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