Butterfly fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 9, 2004
London, UK
Hi everyone! :D

i was thinking about getting a butterfly fish for my tank, but am a bit worried about feeding him..(her! :wink: ) Will they accept flake food as a staple food, or do they require special treatment?

Also, will they fight with my betta over territory? As my betta often likes to take a break from swimming around the tank by hanging around his favourite corner at the top..

I don't recommend it. Butteryfly fish are usually pretty agressive... and since bettas need to go to the stop a lot and are territorial themselves... you're betta will prolly end up a gonner. =/ That's my opinion though. They would definatly fight over territory.
Mine accepts flakes readily, but I feed him lots of freeze-dried bloodworms and some live bugs as well. I have no idea how it would get along with a betta though - mine is not aggressive toward the tiger barbs or blind cave fish that often feed alongside it at the surface. Very very cool fish!
Yeah, Bettas and Butterflies occupy the same niche in the tank--just below the surface. They're both designed to get prey from the surface of the water.

I wouldn't risk it.
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