Cant get my bettas to spawn

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 31, 2009
Nebraska, USA
i need some advise. my bettas wont spawn. ive reseached on how to spawn, i conditioned them and other things but ive had them in there for almost 4 days and they still wont spawn!! any advise plz
right after i posted this i looked in my tank and they started spawning!! they still are as i type!! im happy and i hope it is a succesful spawn. :)
You should have them in a shallow tank, I used 4" on water.
Put a clear divider btween them, and feed frozen bloodworms and dried flakes.
When you see a small white "dot" on the female's belly, that is the oviposie(SP), pull the divider and the male will probably tear the female up a bit.
He will be making a bubble nest using some floating plant or debris.
Then it should happen, keep the camera in focus and have a brine shrimp hatchery and eggs handy.
After the male spits the eggs into the bubble nest, gently remove the female into a tank with meds.
I usually let the male tend the fry for four or five days. But watch him, he may start eating the fry.
After the hatch, you'll need to progress from baby brine shrimp to a larger food, I used to grind some dry flake between my fingers and feed. It doesn't take much at that point
The mortality rate is high. From about 200 or so fry, I only got about 20 to live to maturity and about 2/3rds of them were females.

Good luck
Well there you go ruby. You answered your own answer! Now, you need to take pictures of your Betta's, post them on here so we can see them. Then, take pictures of the process.
It's a thrilling experience. Be sure to take pics for all to see.
The fry are SOO tiny.
PS: Watch the male closely now. Sometimes they DO eat the fry.
You might add an air stone and cover the tank. Until the labyrinth develops they are very susceptible.
its been 2 days since the spawning and i read that about 1 to 2 days the fry would hatch and i havent seen any thing so far. should i wait a coulple of days and keep watching or should i have been able to see at least something by now?
Just be patient.
I’m guessing that they have hatched already.
Did you remember to get some brine shrimp eggs and a hatchery?
The first day after hatching, they will not need food. They will be absorbing food from the egg sac. The next day or so, they will be hanging from the nest and falling out of it. The male will pick them up in his mouth and spit them back into the nest.
They need to stay close to the surface closer to the oxygen supply. I used to put a SMALL stream of bubbles from an air stone in the tank.
Keep either a glass or saran wrap cover on the tank. They will not have breathing capability until their labyrinth develops. THIS IS THE CRITICAL TIME; it’s when most of the mortality takes place. They will be extremely sensitive to any cool drafts that may get into the tank.

After about 36 hours you'll need to hard boil an egg. Strain some of the yolk
into some tank water.
Then feed a little about 8 times a day using an eye or medicine dropper.
They will have started free swimming about now and the Dad will be going nuts trying to keep them rounded up. I usually removed him about that time.
Now, you’ll need to start feeding baby brine shrimp which should have been started the day before. After a feeding, look closely at the fry. You’ll see they have orange colored bellies from the BBS.

After a month, you should be able to move the fry into a larger aquarium.

Good luck,
Good work but here's just some pointers.

Sometimes i can take up to two weeks for bettas to spawn i had mine in the tank for 13 days and was going to take them out when suddenly they decided to get their mojo goin lol.

Also you should always buy 2 pairs of the same strain so that if one pair isn't compatible you can switch around until you find the right pair.
Also I feed my betta fry microworms the spawn grows at a slower rate but microworms are cheap extremely easy to culture and harvest and your fry can't get swim bladder disorder from them, i've always found brine shrimp to be a real pain in the ***, lol buts thats just me. =)
i didnt get any thing but i no wat i did rong and im gonna try again. i put an ornament in the tank for my female to hide in and the male made his bubble nest right over it. i thought he could still get the eggs to the nest so i left it in there but apperently i was rong :(. but im over it and as i said im trying again in a coulple of weeks:).
hopefully it will work this time because my female has very pretty eyes and i want to have some fry with her eyes :). even if they dont i still want to have some baby bettas to raise;)
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