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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 5, 2004
Hello. I have a question regarding my community tank. It is a 110L aquarium with the following:

Silver Mollys
Sunset Platys
2 Plecos
Tiger barbs

What other fish are compatible with these fish so they all live in peace and harmony?

Many thanks

swordtails, lemon tetras, black neon tetras, albino tiger barbs, cherry barbs, emperor tetras, and diamond tetras. I am sure other types of tetras would be fine.

I mention the above, because these are fish that I used to have at one time or another with my mollies, platys, pleco, and tiger barbs and I never saw any of those fish give them any problems.
Personally, I keep tetras away from barbs.
What kind of plecos do you have? How many barbs do you currently have?
I have 10 tiger barbs and I don't know the type of pleco.

Please forgive me for suggesting the tetras. I just figured since you had already successfully mixed semi-aggressive fish (the tiger barbs) with platies and mollies (community fish) that it wouldn't be that big of a problem.

If you wish to experiment you could try a few tetras.

The cherry barbs should still be fine with the tiger barbs.

In case you are wondering, the reason I don't have tetras anymore is because they don't go well with cichlids (aggressive fish).
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