Compatible fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 5, 2012
I have an African butterfly fish and a peacock eel im looking for other predators to go in the tank. Any suggestions??? I'm more into odd ball fish two
Watching for suggestions! I want to do an oddball 90 gallon tank
What size tank? I'd say Senegal Bichirs if the tank is 30g or more.
Ok some odd ball fish are clown knife fish but they're predators an love live food I also have a 55 gallon tank oh and I have a newt XD I should prolly put that in my other tank
A Senegal Birchir is a peacock eel just the scientific name but they're not predators
POLARBEAR0871 said:
A Senegal Birchir is a peacock eel just the scientific name but they're not predators

The Senegal bichir, Polypterus senegalus, also known as the gray bichir and Cuvier's bichir, is sometimes called the "dinosaur eel" and also known as "dragon fish" at many local pet chains- a misnomer, as the creature is NOT AN EEL. It is a prototypical species of fish in the Polypterus genus, meaning most of its features are held across the genus.

Bichirs are PREDATORY fish; in captivity they will take any live or dead animal that can be swallowed or broken apart and then swallowed.
Ok some odd ball fish are clown knife fish but they're predators an love live food I also have a 55 gallon tank oh and I have a newt XD I should prolly put that in my other tank

Clown knifes reach over 2' and require tanks larger than 180g. Just throwing that out there.

Smaller alternative to tanks smaller then 125 would be African brown knife.

+1 to Senegal bichir. Which absolutely are predatory haha they hunt as well as any other fish.
Ok some odd ball fish are clown knife fish but they're predators an love live food I also have a 55 gallon tank oh and I have a newt XD I should prolly put that in my other tank

A Senegal Birchir is a peacock eel just the scientific name but they're not predators

You need to read up some more. Clown Knives get huge and Senegal Bichirs are not Peacock eels. Bichirs are very predatory, I've kept them for close to 10 years..
I have a 55 gallon tank I have had clown knifes up to 8" in it too with no problem so other than that what kind if other PREDATORY fish should I get to go with these now that all of you know my tank size that I forgot to mention
Pretty sure cuddas get to big for a 55. I thought they reached 10+" and needed a 6' tank due to how they dart into the side of smaller tanks while feeding.

I have kept them for years and all max out at around 7" which is still pretty large but they are lazy unless ready to eat
Freshwater cuddas don't get that big I wanna get a gar cuz my African died soo I might get a gar with some knives

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