Complete Tank Rescape!

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Okay so here's an update on the tank. I was doing a water change and my dad came in and stepped on my acrylic good hood and it cracked. So we have to run out and get a new one, and I decided not to move anything around. I also put a towel over the tank so that none of the fish jump out

All I did was add a plastic plant that my mom insisted to put in, so I did but will be taking it out once I rescape.

Also, I've been having problems with my current filter cause of how old it is and it has randomly started to stop working whenever I unplug it to do a water change. So I have to get a new filter cause my current one isnt working to its full potential. The rescape might be pushed back a bit if I decide I need the filter.

Here's a pic


The new plant is the one long one upfront.

Does It look bad ? Lol be honest.
I added drift wood and some plants. Takin out all the ornaments when I buy rocks.


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Mine locks up sometimes as well. All I do is take a q-tip and clean out the space where the impeller is and it should run a little more smooth
I added drift wood and some plants. Takin out all the ornaments when I buy rocks.

The DW looks good! I've seen some very nice DW at Petco and plan on picking some up. I don't know if I should wait until I change my substrate to get it or just get it and take it out whenever I change the substrate then put it back in? What would you do?
The DW looks good! I've seen some very nice DW at Petco and plan on picking some up. I don't know if I should wait until I change my substrate to get it or just get it and take it out whenever I change the substrate then put it back in? What would you do?

It doesn't matter. Get it whenever. For those 2 pieces it was 20 dollars :(. Then for the TINY baby crypt on the bottom and the beat up java fern was another 10. I'm going to buy a plant package from someone on here
It doesn't matter. Get it whenever. For those 2 pieces it was 20 dollars :(. Then for the TINY baby crypt on the bottom and the beat up java fern was another 10. I'm going to buy a plant package from someone on here

That sounds rather pricy! The DW I'm buying is 9.99 at Petco and it also has some Anubis growing out of it. I'll probably prop it up on something and make a little cave. I don't think ill buy plants until I have the Eco complete cause I don't want them to die.
Quick question, why is my male GBR chasing my female now? He never used to do that. They were getting along so well before! Is this a part of spawning?
It's completely normal. Males like chasing the woman;).

Alright good. I just really want them to spawn, and whenever I turn the light on, they're always hanging out beside each other and I think there's an egg hanging out my females stomach and I was just worried he didnt like her anymore.
Alright good. I just really want them to spawn, and whenever I turn the light on, they're always hanging out beside each other and I think there's an egg hanging out my females stomach and I was just worried he didnt like her anymore.

As long as their still hanging side by side their still paired.1
As long as their still hanging side by side their still paired.1

They will hangout together then he'll randomly chase her and ignore her for 3-5 mins and then go hang with we again and just repeats this process. They also still run bodies and do "the ram stare" on occasion.
Tomorrow ill be getting a new hood, filter, and heater for the 26! I also might get that piece of driftwood and a school of 8 rummy nose for now :)
Ok so I stopped at Petco today...

I bought an Aqua clear 50 power filter, 2 banana plants...AND

Your all gonna kill me.

2 baby angelfish

I have to order the hood cause they didn't have it in stock. I'll post pictures in a little bit. :)
Here's a pic of the filter. Can't get a clear pic of the Angels, ill post one later.

How much for the filter?. Tell me if you have luck with the angels and I MAY buy one. I want one so bad but I feel like 2 pearl gourami would be better

The filter was $41 at Petco and so far the angels are doing great! None of the other fish are bothering them either and they've been sticking together :) they're so pretty.

My tank is overstocked tho so I need to rehome a few fish. I have 80 gallons of filtration though so it be able to take a decent stock.

I plan on rehoming
3 neon tetra
1 Colombian tetra
1 dwarf gourami

And from a different tank
1 black skirt tetra
3 black phantom tetra
1 Cory cat
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