Convict's First Go at a Planted Tank

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Maybe a stupid question but.... What's a good time to feed the tank. They seem pretty active right now with just moonlights on. The cories are out and about. Can I feed at night instead of when I get home around 4pm? Is 10pm too late?
Maybe a stupid question but.... What's a good time to feed the tank. They seem pretty active right now with just moonlights on. The cories are out and about. Can I feed at night instead of when I get home around 4pm? Is 10pm too late?

Honestly I feed at night most times, usually around 9ish or whenever my son goes to bed. I usually feed, let them eat for a few minutes with lights on then turn the lights out.
Honestly I feed at night most times, usually around 9ish or whenever my son goes to bed. I usually feed, let them eat for a few minutes with lights on then turn the lights out.

Ah ok... That makes more sense. I'm gonna switch to night time I think.
Any update on your mom? Hope she's still doing better!

Mom is A-OK and will be coming home tomorrow. A simple adjustment in her medications and some bed rest. Thank you for asking. It was this I.V. treatment she gets that shocked her body.
Mom is A-OK and will be coming home tomorrow. A simple adjustment in her medications and some bed rest. Thank you for asking. It was this I.V. treatment she gets that shocked her body.

Glad to hear that! Good for her :)
Thanks everyone!!! :)

Now that she's gonna be just fine. I've been losing my cardinals pretty much 1-2 a day everyday. Very VERY discouraging.

Everyday I get home from work I know there will be 1-2 dead. Parameters are:

Nitrites 0

pH 7.0

NitrAtes 10

Ammonia .25

Phosphates I'm struggling with as there off the chart. No algae issues (thank god) yet anyway...

Temp 78

Lights on 6 hours a day, moonlights for 2 hours after.

50% weekly water changes using Prime of course.
Mom is A-OK and will be coming home tomorrow. A simple adjustment in her medications and some bed rest. Thank you for asking. It was this I.V. treatment she gets that shocked her body.

So sorry I somehow missed the beginning of this, had no idea your Mom was not well. There is nothing worst than illness in our immediate family. If there is anything I can help with (offering expert advise) please feel free to PM any time. Wish could do more but sometimes good advise from someone who knows about medicine (and IV's:) and knows the system from the inside can help a lot. Best wishes to you and your Mom
So sorry I somehow missed the beginning of this, had no idea your Mom was not well. There is nothing worst than illness in our immediate family. If there is anything I can help with (offering expert advise) please feel free to PM any time. Wish could do more but sometimes good advise from someone who knows about medicine (and IV's:) and knows the system from the inside can help a lot. Best wishes to you and your Mom

Thank you. Much appreciated.
Just did a little over a 60% water change, ahh.. Feels good.





So.... I have a question, I've been losing fish every day 2-3. Either a rummy nose, cardinal or cory. The Rams are fine, the angel is fine and the shrimp also. Actually one just molted.

I'm at a lose as to why this is happening everyday. I come home and take the tweezers out and pluck dead fish out of the tank.

I have parameters in my last post about the issue. Does anyone have anything? Kinda stinks and my stock is being depleted FAST!!

pH 7.0

Ammonia .25

Nitrites 0

NitrAtes somewhere in the middle of 5.0 and 10 depending on what chart you use. One kit has one chart and the other a different one. Why they have two different color charts is beyond me. I had a Red Sea nitrAte kit which I'm gonna order again.

Temp 78

The only issue I have is phosphates are off the color chart at a very strong 10.0 and I do mean strong.
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It is weird... Ammonia is low so I don't see that really being too much of a problem... Could they be being bullied? Oh no... Not another mystery killer fish... :eyes:
Hi Convict,
just found this article about cardinals, thought it might shed some light on your situation.

Here is the link.

Hope it helps.

That's crazy, I thought cardinals were suppose to be easier then neons, that article states the opposite. And the pH is way out if that's a fact. 6.0?!?! My pH is 7.0-7.2

There tank/farm raised. Makes me wonder now. BUT... Remember I lost cory cats and rummy nose also. So.... Something isn't right. I'm sure tomorrow I'll be picking out more dead fish.

Another note. Rams, there suppose to be sensitive right? There fine and shrimp? You'd think they would be gone also. Why just those fish mentioned?

I picked up an angel, silver with black stripes. About the size of a nickel from my buddy's shop who's had them there for about 2-3 weeks. It lasted ONE night. Now I have another one and he made it(so far)

It's a mystery... A rouge fish like in my cichlid tank? Can't be, hope not.
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