Convict's First Go at a Planted Tank

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Lol, yeah, that's what I was referring to, but I highly doubt it... Could just be some overly sensitive stock... Did you drip acclimate everybody?

I dripped everyone for 30 minutes and never use the water from the LFS. I did this twice and adde fish in 2 batches. Not sure what's going on because my LFS has the same batch and there all fine. Day to day. I take them home and they last a few days.

I might give it one more go and re stock as I'm not left work 4 rummy nose :(
do you think they could be reacting badly to the fertz or the glut? i dunno if thats possible or not. just an idea...

That has crossed my mind yes however I did a water change last week and didn't dose the tank for two days and still lost stock. I'm honestly at a loss...
Sorry about your losses C, might just be unexplainable, my cardinals I had for a while we're the only fish to get sick in my large tank, and they were constantly sick, then in my 20g I lost all three of my panda loaches and two panda Cory's for no reason at all. Hope it all gets better
Sorry about your losses C, might just be unexplainable, my cardinals I had for a while we're the only fish to get sick in my large tank, and they were constantly sick, then in my 20g I lost all three of my panda loaches and two panda Cory's for no reason at all. Hope it all gets better

Thanks! I'm use to cichlids I guess hardy fish that stomp the tank lol
Are they acting funny at all?

Nope! Eating and schooling nicely :(

Can't figure it out. There doing great at my buddy's shop and I bring them home and they last a day. The angel lasted literally the night. The second one is still around though :)

Here he/she is!!

Sorry to hear about the mysterious fish losses. Are you using Metricide 14 or 28 for the Glut source? I read that 28 contains a surfactant. I have no clue how impactful that can be, but i remember surfactant can be detrimental in ammonia sources when doing a fishless cycle. Just a thought.
Maybe do smaller wc's more often.

Maybe 10-15 percent every two days.
Im just spitballing but ive always done small wc's often bcuz its easier for me.
Try dripping for a hour instead of 30 mins

At this point I'll try anything.

Sorry to hear about the mysterious fish losses. Are you using Metricide 14 or 28 for the Glut source? I read that 28 contains a surfactant. I have no clue how impactful that can be, but i remember surfactant can be detrimental in ammonia sources when doing a fishless cycle. Just a thought.

It's the 14 day
What brand of glut are you using metricide or omnicide? Do you know of any differences in the two? Sorry I know its a little off subject.
I've read that neither of the versions of Metricide are harmful, as long as you don't use that activator bottle that comes with them.
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