Do you turn off your sump pump and PH's?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 25, 2011
Do you turn off your sump pump and PH's?

I never have, but for some reason it's becoming increasingly difficult to get the food to the fishes before it goes down the drown.
I never do either. I believe the fish are strong enough to get the food anyway.
I don't turn off the pumps either. I used to; but it's become a hassle. The fish know when it's feeding time.
Yeah it's not so bad in my 55 gallon tank. It's the 10 gallon that's the problem. Flakes, pellets.. basically anything that is not frozen meat goes straight to the drain.

I have the powerheads set up to keep detritus suspended and then flow down the drain.

I'm thinking I might just soak them in tank water in a turkey baster and then shoot it into the water column.

.. or turn off the pumps.
I turn off my skimmer and pump. However my dad never turns his off and his sock fills up alot faster than mine with all the extra food going into the overflow.
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