Dwarf baby tears

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 13, 2014
Is a 25 watt bulb enough to grow dwarf baby tears in my 5.5 gallon tank? Also, what kind of substrate would be best suited for this plant?
Dwarf baby tears need high light, co2 injection and a nutrient rich substrate like dirt. It is definitely not an easy plant to grow. Try an easier plant like dwarf sag
I'm about to attempt to grow HC with a 7w led. The tank is 4.6g long with Amazonia substrate and Amazonia powder. The depth will be approx 6-8 inches from light fixture. I will be dosing co2 with Aquatek regulator w/ 20oz paintball tank. I'm curious as well if this will work. I think it will.
Dwarf baby tears need high light, co2 injection and a nutrient rich substrate like dirt. It is definitely not an easy plant to grow. Try an easier plant like dwarf sag

Dwarf sag is too big for a 5.5 gallon.
Depending on the type of fixture and bulb you use 25w might be way too much light causing algae issues. The general rule is the higher the light the shorter the photoperiod so I would not run lighting more than 6 hours. Also you will need to run CO2 or use a high dose of liquid carbon at a 1ml liquid carbon to every 1 gallon of water. You will also need a good fertilizer with all the macro and micro nutrients since the faster the plant's grow the more nutrients they require.

As for substrate I have found a finer substrate works best since Dwarf Baby Tears have very short fine roots. I like Eco-Complete "Fine".
I have baby tears in my 10 gallon, but I use a 48w dual fixture and pump Co2. It takes awhile to get going.

Sorry for the bad picture!

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