Dwarfhair grass carpet

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 11, 2013
Trying to get dhg to carpet as far as ferts would I be ok with just root tabs or should I be adding other ferts too?
To get DHG to carpet effectively, you will most likely need medium to high light, CO2 injection, and a fertilization regiment of NPK & trace elements. DHG is pretty easy to keep alive, but not the easiest thing to get a nice thick, compact carpet.
fort384 : Rather than using CO2 injection, could a thick carpet still be achieved by dosing seachem excell?
The whole front of my tank has dhg and yes I have co2 and high light but running into a algae problem due to a fert problem
The ferts I use now are all seachem until I get the dry ferts iron flourish comp and trace.
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