Easy, non-invasive beginner plants

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2014
Magnolia, tx
I started a 29 gallon comminuty tank for my toddler who wants to see fish, not plants. However, I've been advised here on the forum that I should at least put a few live plants in the tank to help the fishes.

I'm looking for direction to find some plants that will little, or no, maintenance. I could drop some fertilizer in occasionally, but I don't want to have to prune, trim or mess with plants weekly or even monthly, really. I only have a Fluval Eco Bright LED light, so, I dont think I can get anything that requires anything but low lights, but am unsure. I also have just plain gravel substrate. I have a medium sized resin "rock" bridge that I could tie to if that would work.

As well as needing advice on the kind of plants, I also need to know where I can get nice ones that won't bring diseases to my tank. My LFS doesn't carry any plants, so I have to search abroad. I do have mass market pet stores that have a few, but I do not want plants out of their fish tanks (disease factor). I would be ok buying from their plant tank as it is on a sepatate water source, I believe.

Do such plants exist? Where would I find these magical creatures?
If you have a Petsmart by you see if they have Anubias nana or Java fern in the TopFin Gel Tubes. These plants are low light, I had java fern in my 29 gallon with a 17W fluorescent tube (under 1 watt per gallon).

These would probably be the best and don't need any ferts or co2.

You should tie them to driftwood, rocks, or other decorations. If you plant the rhizome(thick horizontal root) the plant will die.

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Anubias should fit the bill, they grow in practically any condition. I started off with a gel pack from Petsmart that had prob three or four leaves. Now I have more anubias than I know what to do with. Never fertilized, no special lighting except what came with my aquarium. As it grows, you can cut the rhizome to split the plant and have new plants to put elsewhere.
This whole bunch of plants came from one hygrophia. Someone will have to tell you the species b/c I don't know. It grows great in anything and even grows in room light, so low light is fine. ( you make more by cutting off the tops, pinching off the lower leaves and shoving it back in the substrate)

I think I got it in a tube at Petco or Petsmart. There are a couple faux plants on the far right. The rest all came from 1 small plant. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1423538775.001589.jpg

(Friend of Bill W., One day at a time)
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