Eco-complete and Cory cats

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 23, 2014
So I have a 44 gallon planted aquarium that I am planning to replace the substrate with Eco- complete. Among the stock in my tank are 13 panda Cory cats. My question is if the rough texture of Eco- complete will hurt the barbels of my Cory cats. I've researched it on the Internet and have had mixed results and I would like to know if any one has had any experience with combining Eco- complete and cory cats and if there were any problems or not.

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I haven't any experience of keeping corys with Eco-complete, but I did ask Rachel O'Leary about it (She's an expert on nano-fish, including the dwarf corys I want to keep), and she said Eco-complete (which I have in my tank) is okay, but not great. In other words, not as bad as, say, flourite, but not as easy on them as sand. I plan to still get some habrosus in a few weeks.
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