eco complete

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 15, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Hi guys,

Just working out some stuff for my new tank and one issue is deciding on substrate.

Ive read from many sources that it is really good.

1. I have heard that it is really light and people have had problems with keeping stem plants in it. Should i mix it in with some gravel to make planting easier? or just use weight on the plants.

2. It comes in 18.7 kg bags over here and was wondering how much i would need to get a 7 cm layer of it in a 60 x 20 inch tank.

Would prefer answer from people who have used it themselves :)

Thanks in advance
I used 20 lbs of it, and 25 lbs of aqua gravel from walmart in my 55 gal tank.
When I (just over the weekend) moved up to my 125 gal tank, I added 40 lbs of eco complete and another 25 lbs of aqua gravel. It gives the substrate a unique color, black mixed with tans. I'd say that the substrate in mine is about 2 inches deep in the front, up to about 3-4 inches in the back.
1) I keep almost all stem plants. You will have no problem keeping them in. I would not mix more than 50% of another substrate in, or you may not see any advantage to eco-complete.

2) ok, 18.7 kg is about 41 lbs.....
I have a 29gal (30x12"=360 in2) and I used 60 lbs to get a 3" deep bed (7.6 cm).
So, if you hav 60x20= 1200 in2, I would use about 3 times as much.
Eco complete is not that light. Its when you don't use enough...have enough depth that is, that stem plants float.

per the bag, it says 1 bag will do 10gallons of standard rectangular tank size. I would concur with gfinks' calculations.
Malkore is spot on with his comments.

Sounds like 3 of those 18kg bags will do you. If you can afford it, go with 4. You will not regret having some extra.

As for plant "holding" Eco complete is one of the easiest planting substrates I have used. Certainly holds plants better than the ADA aquasoil.
I just changed my substrate to Eco and I love it. I haven't had any problems keeping stem plants down. My E. tennellus keeps coming uprooted, but thats because I replanted them and my yoyos and cories zoom by them. I have had no problem with the stem plants though....and I have alot of different kinds.

I'd go with all Eco if you can. You will like that much better I think. And the bag per gallon thing is right on the money. I used 5 bags for my 55g and I could have put in another. It gave me about 2 inches in the front and 3 in the back.
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