Emergency Quarantine

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 9, 2008
Laurel, MD
Hey... have to set up an emergency quarantine tank... what should I do to make it habitable? do I need a filter even if it is not cycled, or will PWC's do the trick... heater? Bubbler?

If you have to medicate then any biological filtration will be affected not to mention you'll be performing about 50% water changes daily or at least every other day. So, a 20g (with system water) should suffice for most small-medium fish, a heater, and either an hob filter or sponge filter. You can use pvc and plastic plants (may trap debris) for hiding, black plastic to keep the sides/back darkened, and eggcrate for a top. An extra airstone may be beneficial depending on medications used.
In the future, keep an extra sponge or something in your main tanks filtration to be seeded should you ever need an emergency QT. Not all meds will kill the bacteria, so it is often beneficial. A well seeded sponge will effectively insta-cycle a tank that only has 1 inhabitant, since the waste level will be low.
For your apisto a sponge filter will work for treatment. Keep an eye on the parameters just to make sure there is no ammonia spike. A heater is a must. What size tank are you using for QT?
In the future, keep an extra sponge or something in your main tanks filtration to be seeded should you ever need an emergency QT. Not all meds will kill the bacteria, so it is often beneficial. A well seeded sponge will effectively insta-cycle a tank that only has 1 inhabitant, since the waste level will be low.

I have a hob with those filter "packets" prefilled w/ carbon... Whisper ex...not a lot of room... but now that I am getting a sponge filter, maybe I'll just cram the sponge in the hob somewhere when I am done with this episode.
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