Epuerto's 55g corner build thread

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Fire fish and a watchman would probably make a huge mess of your sand.
Not yellow watchmans.....I've seen tanks with pristine sand cuz of them.....one of the best sifters out there I thought
You have never seen a diamond goby sift lol?
Would another type of shrimp live with a peppermint and a cleaner , what type?
No, there activity differ greatly. I have a CBS snd he is really funny to watch! But I would like to get a fire shrimp. I think that's the one, really dark red with white spots?

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Careful....CBS can be mean to smaller shrimps like fire shrimps, they don't get along as well as cleaners, peppermints, and fire shrimps
Well, if it's the fire shrimp (witch it might not be) get to be pretty large. BUT, my CBS is frairly large so I think I'm just gonna wait and put the (fire) in my 109 gallon

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XxVooDooxX said:
I'm not a fan of the six line

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Wow everybodys hating on the sixline lol. Mine is fine, gets along well with everyone and is fun to watch.
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