first plants?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2005
New York
I'm starting a 10-gallon fw community tank. I've never had plants before. Any suggestions for managable plants? Don't want dense cover, just enough low-light plants to give the fish some cover.

Thanks for your help.
Java ferns are easier to care for than plastic plants :wink: They grow slowly but they don't make a mess and will grab onto the gravel so they are self replanting.
Java ferns, anubias, cryptocoryne, java moss are all manageably plants that stay relatively low and are easy to care for. For stern plants have a look at hornwort.
Anacharis is also very common and easy plant.... grows like a weed even in low light tanks. They're abundant in the LFS in the Westchester area.
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