For Sale: Fish and Plants

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toddnbecka said:
No Corydoras, I just breed pleco's and Synodontis multi's. I just found 4 more multi fry that were released last night and moved them into a net breeder for a while, a juvie peacock was trying to eat one of them.

You need to clear out your inbox.

Is there any way I can let you know for sure in about a week? I'm super busy and I'm going to check with a couple local breeders here in town. I'm just a little leery of ordering and having it shipped in the winter. :)
Shipping in winter isn't a problem unless the package would be left sitting out in the cold after delivery. Package/s can be held for pickup at your local post office if you prefer.
K great do you mind if I take care of payment on thursday? Also don't care if there are snails or not in bag.

If this works send me your paypal for payment.

How much would a dozen male endlers to 77571 run me?
Yes, I still have peacocks, but they're mixed with black bars. No telling what sort of fry any of the pregnant females will drop. You'd have to isolate and grow out some fry if you want to breed pure peacocks.
Total for a dozen shipped (to either zip code) would be $25.
Hello 
I'd like to order a calico if you have one left. I would also like to order some of any plants you listed. I am in 44302.
Thank you!
Hello 
I'd like to order a calico if you have one left. I would also like to order some of any plants you listed. I am in 44302.
Thank you!
I won't know for certain until Saturday whether there will be any calicos left, at least immediately available. There are a few new babies, but they won't be big enough to ship out for several months. No shortage of plants though.
Ok, I will be happy to confirm what I am ordering when you know! Do you have reds coming along as well?
I have plenty of super reds, most remaining now are around 1.5" or smaller. They breed all red fry, but I have a couple pairs of browns that also produce some albino and calico fry.
Super red unsexed juvies are $20/each, $100/6, breeding adults are $200/pair. A medium flat-rate box would be the least expensive option, $17 with styro lining and heat pack.
Some of the albinos are well grown now, but not quite 100% certain of the sexes for another month or so. There are some obvious males starting to grow bristles, but some of the others may yet start growing bristles; they never all mature at the same size/rate. They aren't difficult to pair up/spawn, last time I checked the super reds in the 33 long growout tank there were 3 different males tending egg clutches.
I also have more younger albinos in the $15/6 size range (~1.5-2".)
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