Fish won't eat

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 19, 2004
My roomate and I have set up our first aquarium about three weeks ago. We let the tank run for about a week before putting fish in and then we put 2 Bala sharks and 1 Pleco in the tank about two weeks ago.

The problem is that the Bala sharks seem to ignore food. We're using Tetramin Tropical Flakes. We will drop some flakes at the top of the tank, but the fish completly ignore them. Eventually they will all sink to the bottom of the tank. If a flake starts sinking near one of the sharks, they run away from it. We've seen them eat some of the flakes off the ground eventually, but its pretty rare and the pleco seems to be eating most of them.

It's a 30 gallon tank and we took a water sample to the local fish store last weekend and they said that the ammonia, nitrates, etc. were all good and the temp is 78 degrees

We've never seen fish that don't eat the food from the top of the tank before and are worried that they aren't eating properly. Any help would be appreciated.
[center:edcf8591bd] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, Meccathor! :n00b: [/center:edcf8591bd]
You need to get your own water test kits and monitor the water parameters.
The bala sharks are probably getting enough food and I'm guessing there is food out there they would enjoy even more. I don't keep sharks, but someone will pop in with a suggestion.
We let the tank run for about a week before putting fish in and then we put 2 Bala sharks and 1 Pleco in the tank about two weeks ago.

By setting your tank up and letting it run by itself does not get your cycling started. It isn't until you put fish in does your cycling begin. And your looking at tons of work trying to cycle your tank with 2 sharks and a high waste producing pleco, which by the way will eventually outgrow your tank. What are you feeding your pleco? Your pleco will need more then flakes, such as sinking algae wafers and zuchinni.

I would definitely purchase your own water test kit and monitor your water often and make sure you keep up with your water changes.
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