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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 6, 2012
If I have this stocking list
1 dwarf gourami
1 apistogramma
1 kribensis
2 German blue rams
5 panda corys
1 brittle nose pleco

How often should I feed them and what?
Sillyfishies said:
If I have this stocking list
1 dwarf gourami
1 apistogramma
1 kribensis
2 German blue rams
5 panda corys
1 brittle nose pleco

How often should I feed them and what?

Hi! I have some of the fish you have suggested (DG, panda Cories and GBR) ANSI feed mine flake In the morning ( tablets for the Cories) and either frozen blooworms or brine shrimp for tea.
Sillyfishies said:
If I have this stocking list
1 dwarf gourami
1 apistogramma
1 kribensis
2 German blue rams
5 panda corys
1 brittle nose pleco

How often should I feed them and what?

Not sure about the compatibility of your stock, but NLS is the most recommended fish food in this forum. A pinch a day or two; no more than they can eat in 30 seconds.
I'll talk to the owner of my LFS who I will be buying the fish from. They specialize in cichlids and he's very knowledgable.
I feed my Dwarf Cichlids, Rams, Acaras and Apisto,s New Life Spectrum flakes with added garlic, and the NLS 1mm Thera A sinking pellets on a daily basis, can't recommend the NLS strong enough. I also feed frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp every now and again and sinking Hikari pellets for my bottom feeders before I go to bed, but they seem to also enjoy the NLS stuff also.
NLS is the most recommended fish food in this forum. A pinch a day or two; no more than they can eat in 30 seconds.

I feed my Dwarf Cichlids, Rams, Acaras and Apisto,s New Life Spectrum flakes with added garlic, and the NLS 1mm Thera A sinking pellets on a daily basis, can't recommend the NLS strong enough

New Life is the only food I use, it's given to everything from festae to cardinal tetras(they're my wife's I swear).
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