Full stock finished!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 4, 2013
Pipestone, Minnesota
I still have 1 more fish to add but I ordered him today and he should be in next week some time. Here is the stock on my 37g.
2 Angels
10 cardinal tetras
3 otos
8 platys (They are larger fry and will be moving to my daughters' tank at Christmas when they get theirs. The otos will be moving to that tank as well when it gets matured)
1 and the one I just ordered is a long fin blue eyed bristle nose pleco.
I am still working on getting the tank heavily planted. I have a few new plants to add and some of the rest I have to wait for them to fill in.
I am just so excited my tank finally looks like there are fish in it and not just plants! So what do you think of my stocking?
that sounds really cool! Would you be able to post a picture on here sometime to show us?
I can't wait to get that plec! I will try and get some pics tonight after my water change. The angels keep hiding everytime I get the camera near them and the ram is busy chasing everybody out of her new space. But I did get pictures of her.

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