GBR(Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) breeding help

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So are you having better luck then? And looking to offload some? Y'know I could try GBR again in my 20 gallon tank....
They are all still on vacation or whatever(not how my vacation would go!).:angel:
But I have a whole heard and a half of bigger then usuall in my 75g.:whistle:
They were all hatched in Nov.2014 soo....(y) And all the others!!!!
I won't even offer them to any other LFS in my area then my #1.
I do happen to have some breather bags,foil faced aluminum ,3 day heat packs and medium priority express(USPS) boxes , if you know what I mean?:cool:
I moved a couple more pairs back to the dorm!
Early morning count says the 40b holds 18 right now!
They expect to be fed between 6-7 am every day(all my fw fish do!) and this is when I can count them all (I think?)
I still have kept my favorite pair separated and they are not spawning now.
I do think this is seasonal like discus(you should know this before it burns you Sini) that they do it when they want to!
I have changed more water,temps,lighting, feeding strategy(who has feeding strategies?):nono: looking into barometric pressure!:facepalm:
All kidding aside they will come around again in their time.
I have aprox 200 that most would be proud of now!
This is shipping season folks.

I will match the last advertised prices by YUNITE for all interested!:dance:

I just added Yunites sales listing and find it funny they only have 25% as many offerings as in the fall and winter ??
It is resting season.
If I do, it'll be my next paycheck. Dang macbook charger broke and I had to get a new one. And I maaaay have blown a bunch of money on fish already this weekend (see loach lovers anonymous thread :lol: )
2 sets of eggs in the dorm and a couple other ripe looking females.:flowers:
It seems kind of quick break in action IMO so I am going to just watch and see what happens.:cool:
I don't want to pull the eggs as I just added a couple pairs recently and if the eggs are from them I don't want them to fight and stress even more over the loss(do to me{sappy I know} they will loose the fry regardless{and beat the crap out of the ones who eat them{again not me!}).
Stress can be beneficial in proper/natural applications and possibly the simple addition of the 2 pair "enticed" the others(it is known to happen) to lay eggs ,but if it is one of the new pair(probably only 1 pair as other was a force and not real productive) then they don't need the stress(from me{they have no choice who they live with}).
Possibly the female from the force found a new guy? first spawn doesn't need my added stress either!
If there are any free swimmers (sun,mon) I may pull them but will have to see.
It would be nice if they got back to work , but if they don't I am getting ready to pull a couple pairs from my "gold or not" batch!!!:brows:
The rams really seem most prolific while young.
These guys should be around 3-4 months old now?
Will be interesting to see if separating the gold or not guys from each other has any reactions?
Until later...:popcorn:
You got these guys down to a science! Good work man! I can't wait to get another pair of these beautiful guys. My PG's just spawned again after taking a two or three month break.
Pulled a few free swimmers today.
2 sets were out yesterday but I let them hang with mom and dad for a day(in a hostile environment).
Not so many but with none lately I'll take any!
Put them in a 20t and we'll have to see!
If so i may have a trick youd be interested in for getting them vacationing buggers to spawn for ya.

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I love to hear tricks!
I think the dorm(14-16 GBRs in a 40B) are coming around again and think that there are 3 other pair laying or guarding also right now.
So that says 10 out of 16 are getting in gear and maybe the others are crowded or late to the show?
I am kind of surprised I get free swimmers out of this tank at all.
I haven't seen or heard of any other similar species only tank so this is all just an experiment.
Ok. Im surs ya know most tricks anyways. Its the dry wet season 3-7 day trick.

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Dorms work great for me. I use the plant pot bases and remove when i see eggs for artificial raising.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Ok. Im surs ya know most tricks anyways. Its the dry wet season 3-7 day trick.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Actually do to my heavy work load lately this is sort of what they have gotten.
It is by no mistake.
I often question pulling more water then I add back, but 3 -5 days down the line when they get the large rush of fresh(slightly different) water it always seems all good IMO.
I don't"sprinkle" the surface,flashlights(lightning) or play thunder tracks for them(I'll link the article if anyone wants!),but yea I always try to make it spring/fall to simulate beginning/end of life cycle for them.
Talk to me about night lighting?

Nice to hear others use dorms(I can't be the only one??) who thinks of these things OR has so many fish it is worth trying!HAHA!
If I had to buy my rams for $25 a pair(what my LFS sells mine for/$40 for large)
I would not throw 7 or8 pair in the same tank!
I dont do any thunder/lightning/rain effects either. I just take out 40-60% of water. Wait 3-7 days and syphon cooler clean water in at a pretty good rate. I do change the amount every time. That way its not always the same experience to them. But dont know if they would even notice.

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I left out thatitake the water 2gals at a time a few times a day til im at the level i want. I edge the heater up a lil as i do this, too. Let it sit around 88 or so while its in "dry" stage. Then i turn it to 82 as i add water thats abt 78ish back in days later. I guess Temp would be the only effect i use, lol

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I only use soft blue led lights on my discus tanks that have eggs/wigglers/first attaching free swimmers in them. Other than that, theyre nifty if moonlite leds are already there, lol.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I left out thatitake the water 2gals at a time a few times a day til im at the level i want. I edge the heater up a lil as i do this, too. Let it sit around 88 or so while its in "dry" stage. Then i turn it to 82 as i add water thats abt 78ish back in days later. I guess Temp would be the only effect i use, lol

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

I only use soft blue led lights on my discus tanks that have eggs/wigglers/first attaching free swimmers in them. Other than that, theyre nifty if moonlite leds are already there, lol.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I like the heat idea(I have not done this yet!)
Just found free swimmers #3 minutes ago(over 100) in the dorm.
So I hope they are all back at work(they are veteran staff for me this season!) and I honestly expect better results , larger this session.
I hope the water gives me more yellows.
Good news my rams spawned again last night. Not a very big spawn but there hasn't been any eggs eaten which is good so I've left them in the tank with parents (already been 24hours feeling positive this time). Sadly I'm not home to pull them tomorrow if they do make it though. Why does this happen haha but I'll be home Sunday and I guess I can only hope and try again in the future. Both parents are guarding the pit the dug amongst Val runners.....better not excavate one of them they were a pain to get to root.

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