Getting worried about my Betta...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 29, 2013
New Jersey
So yesterday my Betta was acting very strange. He was lying down on the bottom on his side or in the plants or on other decorations. I was really worried he was hurt but every few minutes he would dart up, get some air, swim a bit, and then lie back down somewhere else. All of the other fish in the tank seem to be doing fine. My recent additions are an Albino Bristlenose (temporarily) and a Marimo algae ball. I don't know if either of these could be affecting him. Here's the kind of stuff he's been doing...
My betta did this too when I introduced him into a community setting, watch the other fish closely and see if they are picking on him or annoying him. Also try and cut down on all possible stress and make sure he gets fed.i don't know the exact diagnoses but mine began acting normal within a week. Just give him some time and watch him closely.
Well my test kit finally came in today. Unfortunately my Ammonia is off the charts :( I think the pleco that went in a few days ago may have spiked it...

So far I've done about a 30 to 40% water change, added a little extra slime coat to each gallon I refill and once its full I'm going to add a little aquarium salt that I picked up. I'm going to try about a 25% water change each day for the next few days and track the ammonia. Hopefully it goes down soon and my betta gets better.
That should help greatly, ammonia never crossed my mind when I wrote that answer :/Also API has some great ammonia lowering product out there that I use and always have on hand, so if your tactic doesn't work try some of that stuff. Good luck!
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