Great find today.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 30, 2013
Tonight I am buying a complete 55 gallon setup for salt water that will be converted to freshwater. It's a complete set up. Tank, stand, lights, filters and all chemicals needed. The best part is its only a little over a tear old and I am giving $50. All I really need is the tank. Great find.
Sounds like you've been bitten by the aquarium bug, starting to get quite the collection! I'm sitting at 20 tanks currently so at this pace you'll catch me in no time.
Sounds like you've been bitten by the aquarium bug, starting to get quite the collection! I'm sitting at 20 tanks currently so at this pace you'll catch me in no time.

I would fill my garage if I could. I already have 5 in the house up and going, and 4 in the garage that need a use. I am buying all I can cheap now for later if I start breeding some fish. At this pace I may be divorced before to long.
I would fill my garage if I could. I already have 5 in the house up and going, and 4 in the garage that need a use. I am buying all I can cheap now for later if I start breeding some fish. At this pace I may be divorced before to long.

Haha....I said the same thing regarding my martial status 6 tanks ago!!!!!
Haha....I said the same thing regarding my martial status 6 tanks ago!!!!!

I think after 10 tanks they just become numb, after 19 years of marriage I think my wife just learned to pick her battles. When I was bringing in the 12th 40 breeder for the fish room she just rolled her eyes and smiled!
I think after 10 tanks they just become numb, after 19 years of marriage I think my wife just learned to pick her battles. When I was bringing in the 12th 40 breeder for the fish room she just rolled her eyes and smiled!

I put an add on a local Facebook for sale page and I have received a lot of responses. Several good deals. Hoping to find another huge tank for cheap. Will see. But yeah I want to set up a breeding room. Would love to see the fish grow. That's the fun part.
Mind finding me a 100 gal that cheap then ship it down to NC looks like you got that luck in finding cheap tanks

You have to beat the bushes. Tanks are everywhere. I found several pages on Facebook that are for sale in your area and just put a free ad on there and had several respond. I state only paying .50 a gallon for dirty tanks and .75 a gallon for clean tanks.
Wow might have to check that out thanks for the info man

Also check Craigslist. Not only your area but around your area. I have found several 100+ gallon tanks for $100-$200 dollars. If your willing to dive an hour or do sometimes.
Yea I was talkin to em and he said 150 and I was like whoa ok what's up here and he's like now let me tell u wat comes with it
As long as your happy that's all that matters. Sometime you will get more for you money that way.
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