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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 10, 2011
South Africa
Hi All,

I am very new to the art of tropical fish survivor (since that's what it feels like at the moment).

After losing a fair amount of fish (2 angels, 2 albino rainbow sharks, 3 Neon Tetra's, 1 betta, 3 danios and an upside down catfish), I seem to have stabilized my tank.

So my current aquarium is as follows:

1 Upside Down Catfish
4 Albino Cory
6 Neon Tetra
5 Leopard Danio
1 Algea Eater (orange/yellow color) not sure what type
6 Guppies

So there you have it, I am hoping to keep these guys alive now.
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