guess that fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 23, 2012
What freshwater fish is often called the blueberry tetra?
Hint: Not a natural form of a certain species.
Correct. What freshwater fish feeds primarily on the scales and fins of other fish?
Hint: Native to south america.
I'm not sure on that 1 :/ some kind of cleaner fish that gets carried away? Lol
Correct. This rare species of pleco eats meat mainly. Hint: named after an African animal.
Correct. Now let's try some saltwater fish. What fish can eat prey double it's size. Hint: angler fish look a like.
bettaowner said:
Correct. Now let's try some saltwater fish. What fish can eat prey double it's size. Hint: angler fish look a like.

Scorpion fish?
Frogfish is correct. What Malawi cichlid comes in yellow and blue. Hint: peaceful.
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