heater for plants only tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 1, 2010
It looks like I'm going to have a tank that exclusivley has plants for a while, until i get some lights that fit across my new tank. my question is, do I need a heater in this tank? its pretty cold here, being middle of winter at all, but i don't know if the plants really care about that.

thanks for your help
I don't think you will have a problem skipping the heater as long as the tank is inside.
I'd recommend getting a heater. I turned my heaters down from 76 to 72 and the growth of my water sprite, guppy grass, and java ferns slowed noticeably. My anacharis and crypt Lutea weren't affected. I recently turned the heaters up to 75 and the water sprite, guppy grass, and ferns started growing quickly again with no ill effects to the anacharis or water sprite.
It depends on what you want to do (Whether this is a display tank or you are just storing the plants for awhile). I agree you will see a noticeable slow down in growth, but I think anything above 60 degrees is probably fine to keep the plants alive.
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