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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 22, 2004
Michigan, USA
Hey, Someone is willing to give me some fish for free. 2 of em are mollies, and I know enough about them... the other four are "rosies". He said they're orange in color. He sent a pic and they don't really look like barbs... any ideas what else they may be?? Thanks! I'm attaching the pic he sent me, but it's not too good...
I can't tell real well from the pic. But I know the lfs here sells some feeder goldfish they call "rosies" that look just about like that. That would be my guess but I can't tell for sure from the pic.
bunebop, if you are going away for an extended period of time, do not add any fish. Last I heard, two tanks were not fully cycled and you recently lost your pleco (through no fault of yours).
Every once in a while you will get free fish offers. Choose wisely.
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