Help me pick a cory cat.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 21, 2005
hanson ky
I'm looking for a bottom dwelling fish for my new 125 gallon planted tank. I was going to to go with yo-yo loaches until I heard they would decimate my shrimp population. I already have a small group of corys in my 29 gallon tank. I'm not sure what kind they are but they were labeled as peppered corys at petsmart. Any way I hardly ever see them, and they never come out in the open to play like what I hear described on these forum so often. So can anyone recommend to me a less shy more active cory cat, or other bottom dwelling fish that wont eat meh shrimpies.
Hmm...what shrimp do you have? I've not heard of yoyos bothering them before, mainly each other and other botia...but they are a little 'hyperactive' I suppose so maybe it's possible.

I'm surprised the peppered cories you have aren't out playing: cories in general are not particularly shy. How big is the group? Would you consider moving them from the 29G into the 125, and getting another group?
My personal favourite has to be the panda cory :)

How many loaches / other bottom dwellers do you have?
Corys and BN plecos are the only fish that are shrimp safe. That said ...lots of people have had success with lots of other fish, but no guarantees.

I have Syo Cats in my 10g shrimp tank with no problems, but in a 125 you would never see them. I have zebra loaches in my 55g with problems, but I wouldn't trust them in my 10g.

The more places the shrimp have to hide the better you odds of success with different fish.
I'd get a larger school of corys if its a shrimp tank......... with no worries.

Goggle Inverts on line , some sights recommend shrimp safe fish
I'm surprised the peppered cories you have aren't out playing: cories in general are not particularly shy. How big is the group? Would you consider moving them from the 29G into the 125, and getting another group?

I have 5 in my 29 gallon. And the only fish i see less of is a small clown pleco. I really dont want to move them to the 125 cause right now i really dont care for them.

How many loaches / other bottom dwellers do you have?

None its a new tank freshly cycled, with only a small school of glass cats.
If I do decide to go with some smaller cories I'd like to add a school of 12-15. If I go with loaches I'm thinking mor along the lines of 6-8.

Corys and BN plecos are the only fish that are shrimp safe. That said ...lots of people have had success with lots of other fish, but no guarantees

I fully expect some shrimp to get picked off here and there by opportunistic fish. I was just told the loaches would hunt them down till they were all gone though. Have I been misinformed?

I'm looking at the Nanus and Sterba's. There's lots of cool looking cory's though

Im not to concerned with what they look like I just want some active fish that I'll see more than once every blue moon.
I fully expect some shrimp to get picked off here and there by opportunistic fish. I was just told the loaches would hunt them down till they were all gone though. Have I been misinformed

I've been told the same thing. I believe its a trial and error thing.
Mine don't hunt, but I'm not willing to risk my breeding shrimp with them!

In a tank that big....... the bigger the group the more likely you'll see them.
Between the three I have albino, pepper and panda I would have to say the pandas. They are very active and fun to watch.
I'm surprised that your peppered aren't more social. Are there enough hiding places in the tank? I've found the more hiding places, the more secure they feel and the more they're out. That said, I'll agree with what already been said, my false juliis are probably a bit more likely to be out and about (they also love to play in the bubble wall which is fun to watch!)
I would get a herd of Pandas. Lol! I have one Panda with two Albinos and that little bugger will wait for the dog to come over to the tank and he starts doing laps in there to drive Elvis crazy! It is alot of fun to watch. They don't get very big though and may be hard to see in such a large tank.
I have a 92 gallon corner bow and see them alot.

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