Help me start a new tank.

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Thanks owned by cats. Ive had a change round what do you think? I might keep moving it around. Let me know your thoughts
It looks nice, I like your drift wood on the left. When your moss starts to grow a bit, that log is going to be covered with a nice fuzzy coat of green.
I'd show you my tank, but I break all the design rules so am not a good example to follow, plus I pulled out a lot of plants in preparation to adding new ones, so it looks king of bare right now.
molliwopp said:
Thanks owned by cats. Ive had a change round what do you think? I might keep moving it around. Let me know your thoughts

That space between the wood in the left would be perfect for a few crypts. The spot at the back where the overflow meets the back glass is a great spot to try an Amazon sword or another tall plant. Those are both easy to find and grow in low tech systems.
The space between the wall and the wood? You're right, a medium sized crypt would look really nice there.
Just remember, you don't have to do everything at once.
tropicalfishlady said:
Real.plants are good,i like.a nature look in my tank and i love the real plants that i have,i used to use a liquid fertiliser but now im using root capsules and they doing okay :) heres my tank :

Your tank looks really plush and full of life. Real nice. Ill look into the crypts too. I was alittle stressed earlier after putting my plants in first time. I just didnt like it, it seemed far too cluttered and crowded, im much happier now. I hate nitrites lol i want some FISHHH!
Right simple question. Will my tank be big enough for 8 danios and 6 panda corys? Obviously id only add 6 danios to start with. Then after afew weeks get the corys. Finishing with the last 2 danios.
Your tank looks really plush and full of life. Real nice. Ill look into the crypts too. I was alittle stressed earlier after putting my plants in first time. I just didnt like it, it seemed far too cluttered and crowded, im much happier now. I hate nitrites lol i want some FISHHH!

Thank you,you will get there you will.know when you are happy with it,i just rearranged my to.what its like in picture :)

Right simple question. Will my tank be big enough for 8 danios and 6 panda corys? Obviously id only add 6 danios to start with. Then after afew weeks get the corys. Finishing with the last 2 danios.

Im not sure about the danios in a 70 litre sorry !!!
They are fast swimming shoaling fish,i know you seem to want danios,but what about a nice 6-8 shoal of neon tetras or cherry barbs,some of the small Rasbora species,danios can be quite long fish,the panda cories will be ok,i think if i remember off top of my head they are a bit smaller than some of the cory species,i have a cory book,ill have a look properly later :)

Im not sure about the danios in a 70 litre sorry !!!
They are fast swimming shoaling fish,i know you seem to want danios,but what about a nice 6-8 shoal of neon tetras or cherry barbs,some of the small Rasbora species,danios can be quite long fish,the panda cories will be ok,i think if i remember off top of my head they are a bit smaller than some of the cory species,i have a cory book,ill have a look properly later :)

I had a look on seriously fish a great site for fish profiles and they say a minimum tank.of 60 x 30 should be for zebras as they are active so if your tank is this you should be ok
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My tanks 61 x 31 x 46.5cm so im cutting it abit fine:( ive seen danios in smaller tanks and they seem happy enough but if i need a bigger tank ill look at different fish.
My tanks 61 x 31 x 46.5cm so im cutting it abit fine:( ive seen danios in smaller tanks and they seem happy enough but if i need a bigger tank ill look at different fish.

Yeah possibly you have seen small tanks but i was once advised that they need a decent size tank because of how active they are.
They are very hardy though maybe others on here will.offer their advice on what they think
Yeah possibly you have seen small tanks but i was once advised that they need a decent size tank because of how active they are.
They are very hardy though maybe others on here will.offer their advice on what they think

Plus i said 8 Danios and 6 panda cory's in a 70 litre that may be a little overstocked,i would not want you to run into water issues when you are doing such a good thing by fishless cycling,ive learnt by bad mistakes thats all !?!
tropicalfishlady said:
Plus i said 8 Danios and 6 panda cory's in a 70 litre that may be a little overstocked,i would not want you to run into water issues when you are doing such a good thing by fishless cycling,ive learnt by bad mistakes thats all !?!

Yeah. I would of thought i could keep on top of the water issues if there are any. I would think space wouldnt be much of an issue being a deep tank seen as though the danios would cruise the top/mid and the corys at the bottom. Ill be starting with 6 danios. Ill keep on eye on the water and go from there. You may be right.
I'm a few days behind on reading the thread so you may have figured this out already but dose ammonia to 3-4 every 24 hours. If it's going to 0 within 24 hours that's a great sign. High nitrites are to be expected too; it's the longest phase of the cycle, typically about 3 weeks before they fall to 0. Super high nitrites for extended periods can stall the cycle so if you see ammonia conversion slowing then do a full water change (sometimes it can take more than one) to get nitrites down to a readable level on the chart. If nitrites are also 5+ for a week or more, you can do a full water change(s) to get them to a readable level as well so you can see how fast they are converting. If PH starts to drop considerably (mid-low 6) do a full water change to get it back up. Typically PH drops during this phase of the cycle so keep an eye on it.

Your tank is about 18 gals. You could do the 6-8 danios and 4 Corys; that would fully stock the tank but if it's what you want I think it's doable; typically most danios and most of the tetras and some rasboras do well in 20+ gals b/c they are so active but your tank is so close I think it would be fine. If you were to go with a smaller nano fish like ember tetra, chili rasbora or celestial pearl danio you'd have more room either for a couple more corys or a centerpiece fish like a sparkling or dwarf gourami, but it's up to you.
Ive been doing water changes because my ph was dropping. I havent noticed my ammonia conversion slowing but might do a water change tomorrow to be safe, cant hurt can it... I tested the water yesterday and i thought the nitrites had lowered alittle but people say it should just cliff drop almost to 0, this right? Ive been rotating between testing and adding ammonia every day. Eg. Monday-ammonia tue-test wed-ammo . And so on.
Ive been doing water changes because my ph was dropping. I havent noticed my ammonia conversion slowing but might do a water change tomorrow to be safe, cant hurt can it... I tested the water yesterday and i thought the nitrites had lowered alittle but people say it should just cliff drop almost to 0, this right? Ive been rotating between testing and adding ammonia every day. Eg. Monday-ammonia tue-test wed-ammo . And so on.

Library girl will keep you right there with your cycle :),i think its the Nitrite stage that seems to last longest,i try to remember back to my 1st fishless and im sure it dropped fairly quickly Nitrite but it was a long while ago so i forget lol ;-)
She says you be ok with your Danios but only have the 4 cories,i did think 8 & 6 maybe pushing a little.
You get that used to many people on UK forums saying not to have this and that it sticks lol,although they are also great with advice,plus i recently stocked too many and crashed my tank although it is smaller than yours so its me being v.cautious good luck with it all and send us a pic when you are all cycled and have your fish !!
Ive been doing water changes because my ph was dropping. I havent noticed my ammonia conversion slowing but might do a water change tomorrow to be safe, cant hurt can it... I tested the water yesterday and i thought the nitrites had lowered alittle but people say it should just cliff drop almost to 0, this right? Ive been rotating between testing and adding ammonia every day. Eg. Monday-ammonia tue-test wed-ammo . And so on.

How long have nitrites been high?
How often has PH been dropping and how much (e.g. does it drop a lot within a day or two of a water change)? If so you might benefit from adding something like crushed coral or argonite to the filter to help buffer the water (it's usually sold in most pet/fish stores in the saltwater section; unfortunately it comes in large bags and you'll only need a small amount). I don't see it as necessary right now though so if you can't get it, don't worry about it. Nitrites typically just drop to 0 but they can also start dropping incrementally at first before the last large drop. It also could be the water changes dropping them so it's hard to say. I think the cycle seems to be going along well though.
Thanks but now after adding biomature and bacterlife for about 3weeks. I decided against the water change and my nitrites have gone from off the scale to barely readable in the last 2 days so i think im near the last step. Want to say thanks to everyone that helped me out with this one.
Thanks but now after adding biomature and bacterlife for about 3weeks. I decided against the water change and my nitrites have gone from off the scale to barely readable in the last 2 days so i think im near the last step. Want to say thanks to everyone that helped me out with this one.

Glad you nearly there,its a great feeling once you get cycled and that then you can add you fish a few at a time until you reach your stocking level and its so worth it in the end :)
Glad to hear it! Once fully cycled, do a large water change the day before you get fish to bring nitrates down (and lower the temp if you've had it raised); if nitrates are really high it may take more than one full water change. Ideally you want nitrates as low as you can get them. Read up on "drip acclimation" as it's the best way to introduce new fish to a tank. Post pics of your fish once you get them. Keep asking questions if you need to. :)
Glad to hear it! Once fully cycled, do a large water change the day before you get fish to bring nitrates down (and lower the temp if you've had it raised); if nitrates are really high it may take more than one full water change. Ideally you want nitrates as low as you can get them. Read up on "drip acclimation" as it's the best way to introduce new fish to a tank. Post pics of your fish once you get them. Keep asking questions if you need to. :)

Can i just say Librarygirl thanks for mentioning the "drip acclimation" ive just read up on it and all this time nobody has ever mentioned it to me,even my fish books and stores ive ever gotton fish from have always mentioned floating method,thanks for that :)
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