help with a 55 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2005
Holly and Marquette Michigan
Ive decided to get a 55 gallon tank but i have no clue what to get with it(i mean filter, heater and stuff like that) i usually just buy the kits but i want this tank to be very good so i kind of want better stuff to make my tank run good. does anybody have any recommendations? o yeah i don't know if this matters but i have an oscar and he seems to poop a lot so is there a filter that seems to work with this problem too.
Is it possible to get a 75 gallon tank? Your oscar will become cramped in a 55 gallon tank. If you haven't bought the 55 yet get a 75. The foot print is not that much bigger and your fish will do much better.
You'll want a canister filter. Brand is entirelly up to you. Some people pick a brand and stick with it. I prefer Cascade. Some prefer Eheim or Rena or Fluval. They all have their advantages. but they are all pretty much the same in regards to flexibility. But the ultimate stock list will help determine the filter.

The heater, generally 5 Watts per gal. The Stealth is a great heater beacuse it's not glass. Won Bros makes another GREAT heater because the temp control is outside the tank.

Test Kit: Liquid Reagent Test kit. IE: AP Freshwater Master Test Kit

Lighting: Do you plan on having plants?
Get the 90 55 is to small. I would recommend a canister or two as well. Get the AP test kit. 5 watts per gallon is good I would get two heaters if I were you. Make a nice cave with slate for your fishy friend and all should be well.
rich311k said:
I would get two heaters if I were you

I agree with rich311k on using two heaters instead of one for several reasons. Two heaters will provide a more even temperature than just one. If one of them quits working the tank will not cool down as quickly or as much before you can replace the broken one. You can use smaller heaters (fewer watts per gallon) when you have two, so if one gets stuck in the "on" position it won't raise the temperature as much as a larger heater would.

Good luck with your new tank!
i was looking at some of the canisters and what would be a good gallons per hour for the 90 gallon tank. and would i want just one or i have heard of people using 2 filters in some of the larger tanks.
One filter would be fine. two would be better. It would give you better water flow and redunancy. the water would be filtered better and it would move around the tank better, and if one fails you have a backup. I like room for error.
When using hob's, you aim for about 10x per hour. But with Canisters you have more leway. I have about 5x per hour on my canisters and the water is crystal clear. There is no such thing as over filtering, just too much current. But again, depending on the ultimate stocking list, youre fish may like the current or detest it. What else besides the Oscar are you thinking about stocking with?
The 90 gallon will be great for your Oscar!!! (y) You will definitely want a canister, probably 2, for that tank. For the 55 gallon, a canister would be great, but if you can't afford it (like me) you will be fine with HOBs. I use an Emperor 400 and an Emperor 280 on my 55 gallon SA/CA cichlid tank with no problems.
If you're going with a canister, I'd shoot for around 5 or 6x per hour. Don't rely on the manufacturer's rating for what the tank size is that the filter can filter. They tend to be low. Ie: The filter on my 55 gal tank runs 265 gph but is rated for a 100 gal tank. I wouldn't have that filter be the ONLY filter on a 100 gal tank. Maybe two of the 265 gph filters. You could buy two smaller canisters. Two is recommended bcause when you get to the larger tanks, you tend to have dead areas if you only have one filter. But if you have two, it will more evenly be filtered.
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